The Wolf and the Moon

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The sky turned a deep purple, as night fell and lightning flashed in the great distance. Duke was waiting by the front door, pacing. I knew the moment I got out he could smell Ward, perhaps smell how close we had become.

"Are you okay?" He searched me for any signs of injury, and before I could explain he turned to Mae.

"Where is he?" His teeth clenched. She didn't seem to have the energy, her long and private conversation with her son had left her quiet.


"It's alright, Mae." I said, spying her husband approaching. The last thing we needed was a war between two haughty males, looking to protect their imprintees. "I'll tell him."

She went up inside, where I could sense the others watching. I touched his arm.

"He needs to be home. Needs to heal." He brushed away from me.

"But what does that have to do with you?" He took a deep breath, disgust wringing along the hard lines of his face. "And why do you reek of him?"

I tucked my hair behind my ears, bracing myself for whatever reaction the truth might cause. "Because he's hurting, and I thought he could use a hug."

"You, what?" He ran a hand through his hair. "Do you know how dangerous that was?"

"Of course, I do. But,"

"Why would you even bother?" And then he paled. "Unless you, do you care about him?"

"Of course I care about him. He's the son of my guardians. Your brother." I bit my lip. "I hate that there's this division because of me. That you're upset,"

"With good reason, Rory. Ward and I have always had our differences. But being a threat to you,"

"He isn't." Duke rubbed the back of his neck. "It'll take time, but I know he can control it." I spied Rosalie from the window, watching on us carefully. As if she was ready to swoop in, in case he lost his temper. "He hasn't hurt me yet."

He bit his lip, shaking it off. "Fine. But I don't want you alone with him."

"If it makes you feel better." He strode toward me, pulling me into an embrace. "I'm sure you wouldn't be opposed to never leaving my side again."

He groaned into my hair. "You have no idea."

I breathed him in, my face instantly warmed in the heat of his chest. "I'm starting to."

He kissed the top of my head, resting his chin there. "I'm not going anywhere."

There was a dance at school on Halloween night, and it was the first time Duke and I were meant to go out. Together.

Rosalie went to work with Alice, the latter whom seldom came around me. As if she was weary somehow. And I supposed I didn't blame her.

They went to work on my hair, curling it into effortless waves down my back. Star pins interwove through a braid. The makeup they chose only brought out my eyes, a few sparkles on my cheeks.

Mae came out with this navy dress, embroidered silver stars along the bodice. The sleeves billowed out, skirt hitting just at my mid-thigh.

"Special feature," She tapped a button on my back, lights flickering under a tulle layer.

"Wow." She clicked it back off.

"And to top it off." Rosalie set a head piece on the top of my head, a crescent moon surrounded by more glittering stars.

I slid my feet in clear heels, feeling quite like Cinderella. But looking more like the stroke of midnight.

"What do you think?"

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