Awful Chummy

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Rory rested her head against Duke's shoulder, totally passed out. He even played a few rounds, her only stirring to cradle in closer.

When the others weren't looking, I caught him gently brushing her hair back and smiling to himself.

I took shallow breaths, swallowing the horrible need to rip them both apart.

Leaning against the wall near them, his usual disapproving scowl returned.

"She could implicate us, you know. That's really why my dad took her in."

"You know what they say about friends and enemies." Quil spun around in the gaming chair.

"I'd feel a whole lot better," i rubbed my neck. "If one of us had imprinted."

He caught the acquisition in my tone, sneering.

"You implying something?"

"Just seem awful chummy for a guy who doesn't do relationships."

A snort. "You know why that is."

The last thing I wanted was to start a fight. I clenched my fists at my sides itching for just one good swing.

"At any rate, I should take her home." I took a step toward them, Duke's arm immediately wrapping over her. The others stilled, watching the tension between us thickened.

He seemed to sense this, shifting his body to take her carefully in his arms. She curled up against him, a sigh escaping her lips.

It took every ounce of restraint I had left not to snarl.

Harry followed behind us, the cool moon illuminating my car as Duke carried her to the passenger side.
The wind picked up as he sat her gently, and she stirred as he reached over to buckle her.

"Oh," She rubbed her eyes, appearing more disoriented than anything. Her cheeks warmed, stuttering an apology.

"Didn't mind a bit." He shrugged, putting an arm over the door and leaning in. "Seemed like you needed it."

She looked beyond him to me and Harry, who offered her a shy wave.

"Nice meeting you." Duke muttered, before closing her in. His eyes narrowed to me, knuckles turning white as he gripped his crossed arms.

"Got something you want to say, Uley?" He rolled his eyes, brushing me off and heading to his truck. With a slam, he peeled away and Rory tilted her head in his direction.

"I get things are different for you. At least, I try to understand. But if you want to be an effective leader, you've got to work on being a little less provoking and a little more open."

I ran a hand through my hair.

"Just don't keep the Quileute part from us. The other side, sure, have your secrets. Probably for the best anyway."

"I'll consider it."

Running around to the driver's side, I switched on the heat for her.

"You doing alright?" I said after awhile, and she nodded.

"I don't know what happened back there." She let out another yawn. "Sorry."

"No need to apologize." Again. "You warm enough?"

"Yeah." After a long pause, she added. "Are you alright?"

I realized then how tense I must seem to her, my fingertips squeezing the steering wheel tightly, imagining it was someone's neck instead.

"I've got a few problems I'm working through."

"Anything you need help with?" Her voice seemed sincere, twinged with a timidity.

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