Blood and Venom

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He sped through the Italian countryside, my hands gripping the edge of the seat.

In the wake of Duke's death, everything ached and screamed. I didn't know how much more of this I could bear.

But good thing I wouldn't have to for long. He sped into a turn, the tires lifting off the ground for a moment.

"I'm still human, you know." He laughed.

"Believe me. I know." A deep inhale. "Your scent is maddening now that you're away from those dogs."

Zander was a spitting image of his sister, only his eyes were a cloudy red. I smiled, remembering what Alice said. That the brother wouldn't last the night.

None of them would.

And then I could join him and my mother.

We drove through cobblestone roads, brakes screeching as we lunged into a parking spot.

My mouth dried as he took my hand, leading me inside and to an elevator where a blonde girl greeted us cooly.

Her eyes narrowed at me, the doors closing.

"Try all you want, Jane." He amused. "She won't be bothered."

A deep growl came from the little body.

"We'll see."

Inside double doors, three thrones were at the center of an all white room. Three figures sat there, the one a far more intimidating and older version of the brothers.

"Ah, Aurora." He got up, clapping. "What a delight to finally meet the young lady behind it all."

"My father. Aro."

He took my hands, his as icy as the others.

"Marvelous!" He laughed. "I see nothing."

Zander stepped in. "So you see then, her importance? Why Erie, may she rest in peace, was so adamant?"

"Of course," He said, circling me.

"Perhaps you should know." I said just as Alice had told me to. "That my blood repels venom."

I tapped the mark on my neck, and he examined it.

"We can always drain her of it." Another said.

Aro took a long look at my neck.

"Perhaps it takes more than just one bite. Rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this."

The three stood before me, taking each of my arms. Aro brushed my hair back, holding my waist.

I only thought of Duke, imagining all those times we shared and the ones we were robbed of.

Then three mouths covered my skin and bit down.


When we landed, they were waiting there all smug.

"Finally." One said, his accent thick . "Someone with a real plan."

"Remember what needs to be done here. No improvising or we're dead."

They all nodded.

It was time.

We barreled in there, the wolf and boy and the two idiots seeking vengeance.

Three figures surrounded Rory, her eyes clamped shut.

This was no vision. She was dying.

With the element of surprise, Embry leapt onto a girl, crushing her head with his teeth. The two went straight to the boy beside her, and he met the same fate.

The commotion caused the others to stop, Rory's body dropping to the floor. She stayed completely still. If it weren't for her heart, I'd have assumed the worst.

"You think you can come in here and," I ducked under a swinging arm, ripping it out of its socket.

The three began to hold their throats, kneeling down.

"Kill him, Zander."

He charged at me, teeth bared.

Others filtered in, only they headed for Rory. Each taking a bite, her heart began weakening to slow. She gave no reaction at all, almost as if blissfully welcoming the end.

"They'll kill her!" I curved around, but he caught my leg and threw me. "Rory!"

She didn't respond, the others shrinking back. They were all coughing and struggling, some trying to throw up her blood.

But it was too late for them.

Zander slowly got up, approaching his father. He was convulsing on the ground, just like the rest of them.

"What is happening?" He raked a shaking hand through his hair.

One by one, hearts began to beat.

"Her blood repels venom."

The two began to easily slaughter them, leaving the big three for last.

Zander stepped toward me, Call jumping between us.

"Don't let him touch you!" But Embry froze, and it happened just as I had seen.

The two went after him, and Zander killed them off just as easily.


I knew it wasn't real. Any of it. The pain. The cold. The screams.

I was dead. I was dead and this was all a dream. I was hoping my blood would be a cure, to end their reign of terror.

And more than anything, I was hoping for a happy ending.

I thought of home. A cottage. A bed by a fire. The boy I loved beside me.

But then there was only fire. Only darkness.

And surrender.


"It's not real." I willed myself out, his hands around my neck. "It's not real."

But then Rory was there, alive. Unharmed. As human and lovely as ever. She was wearing a soft cream dress, smiling brightly.

"Not real."

I kicked him back, and into a statue. The sharp end impaled him, blood spurting from his mouth.

I ran to her side, we were the only ones left alive. And barely.

"Rory!" Her heart was so weak. "Stay with me." I began compressions. "Stay with me!"

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