Forever's End

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Mae tucked a sapphire comb in my hair, beaming at me.

"When my grandparents gave my mother this, they hoped it would be an heirloom passed from daughter to daughter." She took my hand. "And now it continues."

"Thank you." We embraced, struggling not to cry.

Jacob came in, gesturing at my dress.

"Wow." I gave him a hug too. "We all set?"

Little Marion led the way with her billowing pink dress, veering off the path to her daddy. He hoisted her up, everyone laughing, as he carried her to where Rosalie stood. Her hand on her swollen belly.

Jacob walked me down a long aisle, and I locked eyes with the man I was going to spend forever with.

It was four years to the day, when Ward first saw me. And I saw him. I supposed that was the day, the moment, when everything changed. When I was changed.

Funny how I didn't even know it.

We passed by a row of empty chairs, and I knew deep down, they were all there. Watching. And though I sometimes still felt the ache of what might have been, if Duke had lived, I knew he'd be happy for me.

Two soulmates or not, destinies and different paths, none of it matter but this. Those dark eyes beaming, filled to the brim with a longing between us that no longer could be contained or controlled.

He took my hands, this moment passing way too fast. I wanted to catch each and every detail, holding it all close to my heart. For always.

And though it'd been a hundred times of hearing it, it still felt like the first.

"I love you."

For the first time, I knew who I was. Not a gypsy's daughter.

But his. And theirs, as we exchanged happy smiles with our family.

I'd found home for awhile.

But finally accepted it.


I stared death in the face a few more times. People who came and went, begging for a miracle. She gave it to them, freely and with a warm, dimpled smile.

It wasn't all happily ever afters, considering the fact that some viewed Rory as a threat to their existence.

We left La Push for a good while, my family joining.



I supposed seeing Rosalie and Emmett prosper in impossible ways caused the others to desire a new course.

Unexpectedly, it was Alice and Jasper who were the ones to follow.

I imagined my grandfather would've jumped at the opportunity, but Gran had never felt more alive then in this form.

And I couldn't say I didn't blame her.

I'd never felt more alive myself, than watching the girl I loved turn into the woman she was destined be. The mother I wished she'd become soon.

They were no longer frozen. And all I wanted lately was to freeze time.

A part of us knew, this forever would come to an end. The sun would set. The moon would rise. This was the way of life ever since she entered it.

One day they would all come to her. I had seen as much. Though it didn't feel like I was witnessing their deaths.

But rather very happy, complete lives.

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