Chapter 11

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Alessandro's pov

After a hectic day at the office, I finally closed my eyes while laying comfortably on my bed. Phew. I sighed in relief when my back finally got to relax. But my relaxation period is going to end soon since I have to attend a party at Connor's place.

God, I hate attending parties especially when they are not business related. But I have to attend this one since Connar Smith is my brother and I can't say no to him. Connar Smith's father and my mom were cousins which makes me and Connar cousins as well. *Sighs*

Opening my eyes, I got up to get ready as I am already late for the event all thanks to my other brother, Eric Winston.

Eric is seriously the worst in his work. That guy has been pampered all his childhood causing him to be brat who just knows how to waste money. Nickolas has been teaching him since one week but his progress level is zero. At this point, even a toddler is better than him.

Every time, Nickolas or I, ask him to do something, he messes everything up. Today, Nickolas took a day off since he was feeling unwell so Eric performed Nicholas's duty but again he did nothing but angered me. I clearly told him that I wanted to work in peace but still he sent that girl Anna white in my cabin. Later, when he accompanied me to Parkar's, he fucking forgot to carry the contract papers with him causing the each of us to wait a little longer than necessary.

Honestly, both his parents are responsible for this. They never let him work nor did they teach him about the importance of money and always made him think that he is going to be the owner of Winston company so he doesn't have to work, all he has to do is order people. As if I'll let him do that.


Walking towards my wardrobe, I scanned the whole wardrobe. Taking a sigh in tiredness, I pulled out a white shirt with black jeans and a black jacket.

Today is going to be a long day.

After few minutes, I was all set to leave. Taking my phone, wallet and my car keys I left the room. When I passing by the living room, I saw Maria instructing something to the other maids.

"Maria" I called her to which she instantly looked up and rushed to me.

"Yes, mister Winston" She asked bowing her head at me.

"I am going out and I'll have my dinner outside. Ask the chef to not to make my dinner and yeah, I'll be late tonight" I said in my as always stern voice to which she nodded and left from my way.

Soon I left my house and made my way towards my car. Once I sat inside the car, the driver started the journey. Sighing, I looked outside through the car window with nothing but emptiness in my heart.

God knows when I'll have a peaceful life to live. Everyday I am getting more and more upset with the thought that I'll never get peace and solace in this life. It's funny that I have millions of money in my bank account but those money can't get me peace. Being a money minded person, I am earning more and more money but I don't have a family to spend those money on.

Sure I have some people who call themselves my family but only I know that they are anything but not my family.

Everyone who across me envied me because they think that I have a perfect life only if they know that the only perfect thing in my life is my work. Apart from my work, nothing is perfect. Definitely, not my life. Everything is just messed up.

Sometimes I wish to have someone in my life who will make me their first priority. Someone who will understand my said and unsaid feelings. Someone who will value my presence in their life. Someone who will be with me, forever without any selfish reasons.

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