Chapter 8

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Evelyn's pov

"Omg! I am so sorry, Ev. I didn't wanted to create problems for you. I am really sorry" I rolled my eyes at Mia's apology.

As soon as I sent her the message, she called me. After that, I ended up scolding her for spilling everything in front of my family. And now she is apologizing. *Eye rolls*

"Evv. Talk to me" She whined from the other side.

"I'm sorry. I swear next time I won't be loud. Please forgive me" I groaned at her drama.

"Fine" Shaking my head, I laid comfortably on my couch.

"Is Liam really mad at you?" I heard her whisper from the other side and hummed.

"Yes, he is. He really dislikes Alessandro and that's why I was hiding this from him. I knew he won't be happy about it. And see, now he is angry" I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"I'm sor-"

"It's okay, Mia. You don't have to repeat your apology. It's my fault as well. I shouldn't have lied to him" I sighed in a slow voice.

"But why do your brother dislike Alessandro?" I heard Mia's confused voice from the other side.

"Because my brother thinks that Alessandro is an arrogant man" I replied shaking my head.

"Ohh. Then I can't blame him. Alessandro is arrogant" Mia said chuckling a little to which I rolled my eyes.

"Oh please, he isn't arrogant. In fact, he is humble and down to earth person" I said with a smile.

"Alessandro and humble? Girl, you're in delusion. My brother is his PA from a very long time. Only our family knows how terrible Alessandro is, as a boss. That man can scare away anyone in just a second" Mia said in an irritated voice.

"Though he is sometimes caring. Like, he did helped my brother financially when my brother needed money for mom's surgery and when dad's shop was burned by some protestors" She added after a while.

"Although, he has helped us a lot but we can't deny the fact that Alessandro is arrogant and has extreme anger issues. He can get angry in nano seconds. It's like anger is his best buddy" Mia chuckled while saying the last line.

It's funny how everyone says that Alessandro is arrogant, he has anger issues, he disrespects everyone but I have never seen him doing anything like that.

".... you there?"

"Yeah, sorry?" I muttered in a slow voice.

"Are you gonna join me tomorrow?" I heard her voice to which I frowned.

"Join you, where?" I asked with a frown.

"I just told you. I have to buy some vessel's for my dad's bakery shop. Wanna join me?" I heard her voice to which I hummed.

"Great. I'll text you the details" I heard her voice and again I hummed.

Knock. Knock.

"Mia, I'll call you later. Someone is at the door" I said getting up from the couch.

"No problem. Good night" With this she ended the call.

Opening the door of my room, I found Aaron standing there with a small smile adorning his face.

"Can I come in?" He asked softly to which I nodded.

Soon, he settled himself on my couch and asked me to sit beside him. But instead of scolding me or something, he side hugged me.

"Don't worry, Liam will apologize soon for his behavior" I heard his voice to which I hugged him more tightly.

"I am sorry. I didn't wanted to lie but I knew that Liam won't be happy. That's why I-I thought of lying" I said breaking the hug to which he nodded.

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