XCII. 8:39 P.M.

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Chapter Ninety Two:  8:39 P.M.



Day Six

Rutherford Academy was a boarding school in Lower Manhattan, New York. The campus was a cluster of buildings on Bearing Street. The dorms were nearly on the next street over, whereas the football field and track were hidden between Bearing and Ellesmere Alley.

However, Eva stood outside the admin building, looking up at the gothic revival styled building. The "front office" was a connect to the admin building, its back courtyard connecting to the rest of the school.

Eva hurried up the grand cement stairs. Oma had told her she would find a place to park and wait for her call, while Eva would check into school.

According to Oma, Kai rallied Eva's teammates and protested the removal of her things, so her bedroom had not been emptied, and her place in school remained. Whether or not her scholarship had been given out was another question, one Eva had no answer for. But that's what she was here for. She was here to figure out where exactly she belonged.

The offices smelled like paper and ink, post-it notes and office chairs, just how it always used to smell. Eva cut through the admin offices and headed for the back, where the principal and vice principal offices were located, along with all of the attendance ladies and office workers. Eva wasn't exactly sure what they did, but they were always there and always seemed busy with work.

Despite the historic outside of the school, the insides were quite modern, with checkered linoleum floors, wraparound commercial ceiling lights, and orange peel ceilings and walls.

Eva dinged the bell at the main desk, catching the attention of the office ladies. "Hi. Is Mr. Berger or Mr. Morrow in?"

"Miss Rocker," Mrs. Mendoza addressed with surprise. "Welcome back. I'll check for you."

Eva nodded, smiling lightly. She drummed her fingers on the desk as she waited for Mrs. Mendoza to get back to her.

Mrs. Mendoza was always one of the nicer office ladies, always treating Eva with respect even if Eva probably didn't deserve it for something stupid she did.

The vice principal's office cracked open, and Mr. Morrow poked his head out. He conversed with Mrs. Mendoza before laying eyes on Eva, who waved nervously. His eyebrows shot up into his receding hairline, and he followed Mrs. Mendoza towards the desk.

Clearing his throat, he held out his hand to Eva. "Miss Rocker."

Eva gingerly shook his hand. "Mr. Morrow."

"I have to say, the last seven months were remarkably quiet without you, though I'm pleased to know you survived such a tragedy. Welcome back, Miss Rocker."

"Good to be back," she said, pushing her hands into her freshly cleaned Rutherford hoodie.

Mr. Morrow gestured with his head, leading Eva out of the admin building and into the courtyard. As they stepped foot into the courtyard, they drew the attention of other students, those who pointed and whispered at Eva as she walked.

"When we heard of your unbelievable survival, we believed it would only be right to drop all existing punishments in favor of good fortune for you."

"So... I have no outstanding detentions?"

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