LXXXVIII. It's What We Have To Do

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Chapter Eighty Eight:  It's What We Have To Do


The next morning, Yaz told Eva she was going for a run, and, surprising to them both, she invited the blonde out with her.

Eva couldn't remember the last time she ran without something chasing her. It was refreshing, reminding her of autumn in Rutherford. But then thinking about Rutherford made her think of Kenji, and she was mad all over again.

"Hold up, hold up," Yaz said.

The two girls slowed to a stop. Eva watched her friend curiously, wondering what was wrong. One second they were running through the woods freely, the next, Yasmina was pacing back and forth, lost in thought. Could she tell Eva was still upset over Kenji?

What's up?" Eva finally asked.

"Okay, um, do you remember on Nublar when you told me you thought you were in love with K-kenji?"

Eva's eyes lit up, instantly gathering what she was talking about. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! This is about you and Sammy, isn't it?!"

Yasmina looked taken back.

Eva took a deep breath and stepped back, instantly apologizing. "Take your time," she told the brunette. "I'm all ears, and incredibly excited for you!"

She sighed, cracking her knuckles. "You're kinda right, Ev..." Eva's eyes lit up, "—But calm down. It's not a big deal."

"Not a big— I'm calm," Eva reiterated.

"I just, it's, it's intense, and I can't talk to her about it because it's about her, and I wanted to tell you, I just wasn't sure how you would take it..." Yasmina took a breath, then continued, "But you seem to be fine, so, so I am. It's so confusing and overwhelming, but I, I really think I'm in love with her. Eva, her smile is all I can think about, and her laugh is music to my ears.

"I've only ever had crushes on boys before, though, so— so how do I know...?"

"That it's real?" Eva offered, slowly smiling. "It's real, Yaz. I've spent the last six months slowly watching you two fall in love, and hoping— praying— you two would realize it."

"I just, I don't know how to tell her."

Eva leaned against a tree. Trust your gut, and remember the moment may not seem perfect, but it will be to the both of you, and that's all that matters."

Yasmina held out her hands, pulling Eva into a short hug. "You're good at this, you know?"

When she pulled back, Eva joked, "Only when other people's love is in my hands. And mine? Mine was damned to hell."

"Come on, Eva, Kenji is..."

"He abandoned us. It's okay, though. I'm fine."

Yaz chuckled. "I don't believe that for one second."

Eva shrugged, turning away from her friend. "I'll be okay."

I have to be.

"Come on, Yaz. Let's finish this run. My legs are gonna be very pissed if I break up their work out for no reason."

Yaz's lips grew into a thin line, but she nodded, and the two girls took off again, headed back to the watering hole.

Where Yaz jumped Ben, Eva's foot caught on his knee and she tumbled to the ground, laughing.

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