LXXX. I'll Never Let Anything Hurt You

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Chapter Eighty:  I'll Never Let Anything Hurt You


"To Kenji!"

"To Kenji!"

"To Kenji!"

Everyone laughed, raising their golden spoons to their best friend.

Eva dug into her strawberry ice cream, moaning in pleasure as it entered her mouth. God, did she miss ice cream. She wondered what other long time no see food items she would get to have again.

She blinked a few times, rocking side to side as she ate her ice cream. One of the BRADs delivered some heavy duty pain medication to her, and her mind had slowed down considerably, stuck between how good the ice cream is and how much she loves her boyfriend. Other than, she was completely head empty— exactly how she prefers it.

"So, tomorrow, I get to help Dad with the new presentation," Kenji shared. "He thinks I might have a knack for business. He's gonna teach me the ropes."

Eva burst into laughter, nearly choking on her ice cream.

"What?" Kenji asked, wide eyed. "Do you? Do you not think I can do it?"

Eva laughed harder. When she closed her mouth to stop, her lips pursed together into a smile, before she burst out laughing once again.


Ben waved him off. "Don't worry about her. She got some heavy duty pain meds for her hand and she's a little bit loony."

"Loony. Loony, loony, loony. Loony Lovegood. Better watch out for the nargles, don't want to lose our golden spoons."

"Uh, how much medication was she given?"

Eva stared at Brooklynn, admiring how her hair blended effortlessly from dark brown to bubblegum pink. "I feel fine. I feel awesome. They gave me just the right amount. This makes me miss my edibles. Kenji—" she turned to him and placed a careful hand on his arm, "Kenji, when we get back to New York, we're smoking a bunch of weed together. Oh my god, do you think my dorm Mom found my vape?"

"Awe, Angel, six months presumed dead, they definitely found your vape."

Eva pouted, turning down to her ice cream, just realizing she had ice cream in front of her. "Ooh! Ice cream!" She began eating it with her golden spoon.

Yasmina yawned. "All right, guys, I'm turning in."

"Turning into what?"

Yasmina offered Eva a smile. "You should get some sleep, Ev. Big day tomorrow."

"I got a better idea." She turned to her boyfriend once again. "Wanna make out?"

Kenji bit his lip. "Is it morally wrong to make out with her when she isn't sober even though she's initiating it?"

Eva slapped her fist against the table. "I'm sober enough. Let's go, Pretty Boy."

Eva flew to her feet and wrapped a hand around Kenji's wrist, pulling him from the room.

"Have fun!" Sammy shouted after them.

"But not too much fun!" Yasmina added.

"They're so in love," Brooklynn commented, the others agreeing.

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