VIII. Kenji And Eva Gravely Injure Each Other To Not Be The Rotten Egg

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Chapter Eight: Kenji And Eva Gravely Injure Each Other To Not Be The Rotten Egg


Thanks to Brooklynn insisting Eva use her phone for ambience again, Eva fell asleep quickly, and was the first to rise. She entered the common room still wearing her pajama pants and black kitty hoodie. Her hair was finger brushed, and out of fear it would smell bad to the others, she brushed her teeth before heading out to breakfast.

On the counter was a sticky note detailing where the counselors had disappeared to— yeah, because leaving the campers alone turned out so well last time.

Eva pulled eggs, butter, cheese, bacon and apple juice from the fridge. She cracked three eggs into a bowl and stirred them with a fork. As she was adding the bacon to one pan and the eggs to the other, none other than Kenji strolled into the kitchen.

"I smell something delicious," he said as he took a seat on one of the tables.

Eva suppressed an eye roll as she flipped her eggs. "Hand me a plate, would you?"

She added a sprinkle of cheese to the top of each egg. Taking the plate from an eager Kenji, she plated the three over easy eggs. Kenji reached for the plate as she found a fork to eat with. She swatted away his hand, smirking where he frowned.

"Get your own food."

Kenji pouted, "Oh, come on! That was a total bait! I gave you the plate!"

"And I hate you a little less. Congratulations."

His eyebrows furrowed as he gaped at her. "J-just give me one bite!"


Eva snickered as she side stepped Kenji, running to the other side of the kitchen. She hurriedly slurped down two of the eggs, cringing from the heat.

"Oh, look at that, you're not even enjoying them now."

She offered a triumphant look as she ate the last egg.

"You're so mean," Kenji deadpanned. "I'm never sharing food with you, ever."

Eva returned to the bacon and quickly flipped them before turning up the heat.

"You should know by now I'm not the person to mess with," she said, her back to Kenji.

The pair fell silent as the bacon cooked. The room began to smell like meat and grease and fat— purely delicious.

When the bacon was done, Kenji tried to steal some, which resulted in Eva smacking his hand away. And again when she started cutting up strawberries, she scowled and called him a prick as he stole three from her cutting board.

Kenji smirked victoriously, and by the time he had left the kitchen, Eva realized half her bacon was missing.

After breakfast, Eva changed her clothes into exercise shorts, a purple shirt that hugged her form, and her Rutherford hoodie. She pulled on high knee cow print socks and a pair of runners. She brushed her teeth and hair, then headed back to the common room to stretch. By the time she got back to the room, Yasmina, Sammy and Ben had woken up and were lounging around.

Ben was on the couch drawing with crayons, while Sammy and Yasmina were talking across from him. Sammy excitedly waved to Eva, who waved back and made her way to the floor. Kenji flew past her in a spinny desk chair, not bothering to say anything as he nearly ran over her fingers, but he was happily chomping down on bacon. Her bacon.

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