III. Enemies To Lovers Is Written In The Stars, Apparently

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Chapter Three: Enemies To Lovers Is Written In The Stars, Apparently


"How's the packing going?" Oma sang as she entered Eva's room, hips swaying to a tune only her grandmother could hear.

Today she was dressed in fitted khaki pants and a flower blouse. A thin gold chain hung around her neck and her fingers were covered with rings. Her skin seemed less wrinkled, but maybe it was because the bling she was wearing hid that part of her.

She picked up a pair of pink jean shorts from the top of Eva's suitcase. "Do these show off your ass?"

"Is this a trick question?"

Oma waved her hand. "There could be cute boys at Camp Cretaceous, you know."

Eva took the shorts from Oma's hands. "It's a two week vacation. I don't need to look good if I'm never going to be seeing these kids after the camp is over."

Oma took the shorts back, and folded them neatly back into the suitcase. "Which is why this is the perfect time for a winter fling, Lovey. Find a boy, make him fall in love with you, then break his heart on the last day of camp."

"Omaaaa," Eva said. "Just because you broke hearts in your day, doesn't mean I have to."

"In my day? Lovey, I'm still breaking hearts."

"Breaking hearts, or hips?"

Oma narrowed her eyes. "Just you wait. There's gonna be a boy that drives you insane and it will end in romance."

"Oh, did you read that in my star chart, too?"


Eva dropped her two packed bags by the front door. The house was relatively silent, but she knew Oma was upstairs working on her hair, and Opa was out front doing god knows what (she watched him walk out from her window half an hour ago).

She called up to Oma, who shouted back to come up to her room. Oma and Opa were relatively private people, and didn't care much for Eva to drop into their room unannounced, but Oma liked to invite her in to try on jewelry and to do the younger's makeup from time to time.

"Come on, dear," Oma smiled at her as Eva slipped into the master bedroom. The room was relatively small with just enough room for a queen sized bed, a nightstand on either side of the bed, and a lonely vanity in the corner of the room. The bathroom connected on the left of the vanity, where Eva could just see the light pink tiles lining the wall.

"Sit down, front and center," Oma said, gesturing to the vanity.

She took a seat on the small forest green pouf in front of the vanity.

"Let me get a look at you," Oma smiled as she pulled Eva's blonde locks to the sides, framing her face. Eva was wearing a lavender camisole with her leather jacket on top, and black skinny jeans. It wasn't the most practical thing to wear to a tropical island, but it was what Eva wore anytime she was traveling somewhere.

"Your bruises are almost gone, but not quite.. Do you want me to put on some foundation? That way when you meet the others, you'll be good as new."

Eva shook her head. "I'm good, Oma. I don't really mind it."

Oma nodded, her lips pursed. She shrugged, "Fair enough. How 'bout we do your hair, then? I'm thinking curls—"

"Oma, I'm about to get on a five hour flight to get on a six hour ferry. Do you honestly think the curls will hold twelve hours?"

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