XL. That One Time In Your Dorm Room...

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Chapter Forty:  That One Time In Your Dorm Room...


Darius led the trio to three gyrospheres that sat in the middle of a dirt road. Ben and Darius paired up, as well as Yasmina and Sammy. Brooklynn sat in a gyrosphere by herself, with the opposing door popped open. Eva beelined for it, but then again, so did Kenji.

They both froze outside the gyrosphere.

"All you," Kenji told her.

"No, no, a-after you!"

"Well, there's only one seat..."

Brooklynn leaned over the center console and poked her head out. "You told Kenji to slap your ass twenty minutes ago and now you two can't decide who gets the seat? Just share the damn thing so we can go already!"



Kenji sat down first, and Eva awkwardly approached. She chewed on her cheek as she pressed one hand on the front of the gyrosphere and climbed in. Turning around half way, she asked, "How do I—"

The gyrosphere jerked forward and Eva fell backwards onto Kenji's lap. His hands quickly flew around her waist, and hers ended up atop his. Eva flushed red, refusing to look back.

She cleared her throat, but her voice still cracked as she spoke. "Is this fine?"

"Yep. Yeah. Mhm. Totally fine."

Brooklynn looked between the two, her hand on the joystick, and smirked. "Alrighty! Let's get going!"

Kenji looked around Eva's body to the screen in the middle of the console. "This thing only has twenty percent battery."

"We might have enough to get there, though."

Brooklynn pulled the gyrosphere forward, following after the other two. Eva shifted around, slightly uncomfortable.

Kenji's hands, which were still hanging loosely around her waist, squished into her sides, holding her still. He brought his lips closer to ear and hissed, "Stop moving."

Eva chewed on her tongue as she collapsed backwards against Kenji. She crossed her arms over her chest, but her fingers were nervously picking at her hoodie.

As they moved, brachiosauruses moved around them. Eva looked up in amazement, but her eyes widened as she looked back to the road, watching as Darius and Ben's gyrosphere crashed into Sammy and Yaz's. Both gyrospheres spun out until they stopped in a small clearing. Brooklynn pulled up on the right. She popped her door.

"Everyone okay?" Darius asked.

Ben nodded. "I am now that I've got some fresh air to breathe."

"Hardy- har. I get it, I smell."

On the other side of the boys, Yasmina did a double take on Eva before slapping Sammy's shoulder. Eva happily waved at them, clueless to what they were freaking out over.

"Huh?" Darius gasped.

Near Sammy and Yasmina, a dinosaur emerged from the jungle. It was brownish red, with golden eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"What- what- what- what is that?" Ben stuttered.

Its arms were small, like the T-Rex. It roared at a nearby Brachio, and they all began running from the carnivore.

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