LXXXIII. You're Hurting Yourself

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Chapter Eighty Three:  You're Hurting Yourself


The campers tore through the jungle, hoping to make it to the forest biome to deter Mr. Kon's plans, only to be stopped by four BRAD-Xs. They opened their jaws, preparing electrical blasts until the six campers backed up, and the robots backed off.

"I'm guessing the whole, 'the BRADs are our friends' thing is back off the table?" Brooklynn said.

"Should we try another air lock?" Sammy whispered.

Darius shook his head, "Mr. Kon would have already thought of that, and we're running out of time."

"Wait! We don't need airlocks," Yaz grinned. "We can use the food platform!"

Darius nodded, "Good thinking, Yaz. Let's go!"

Darius and Yaz led the way through the jungle. They ran back to the compound, taking the elevator down to the medbay. Yaz led the way through the med bays to the T. Rex feeding platform.

As they reached the surface, they noticed vitals of the dinosaurs in the sky, as if they were entering a battle royale.

"It started!"

The campers ran to the edge of the presentation, where the velociraptors, Big Eatie, and the spinosaurus were all fighting one another, being controlled by the investors.

"We need to hurry! Split up, and be careful," Darius instructed.

Everyone nodded. Yaz and Sammy split off from the group, then Darius and Brooklynn, leaving Eva and Ben together. They headed for the spinosaurus, Eva gritting her teeth as they approached the fifty foot long dinosaur, which, in the controls of an investor, was just as dangerous if it were free.

Ben and Eva ran between two trees, the spinosaurus chasing after them. Its large frame became trapped between the two trees.

"Hey, Ben, I got an idea..."

"Why do I get the feeling it's not a good idea?"

"Well, it isn't safe. Or that smart, but it just might work... Okay, you climb that tree, and I'll lead the spino underneath it. Then you jump on its head, disable the dino while I go for the investor, we somehow make it out alive, and Bob's your uncle."

Ben nodded, heading over to the tree while Eva hid. She whistled, walking around the trees until the investor— who was now riding the spinosaurus— spotted her. Eva tripped, falling to the ground, and the investor took this as an opportunity to slowly approach her.

Ben landed on the spinosaurus's head, the dinosaur throwing the investor to the ground. The dinosaur fought to shake him off when Ben stuck the device into its skin, effectively severing the connection between the chip and the controller.

The spino fell forward and into the ground as Ben jumped off its head, running past Eva and grabbing her hand in the process. "Gotta run! You should too!"

"Time to help our friends?"

"After you."

Ben and Eva circled the jungle, heading back for the presentation.

They entered the clearing just in time to see the raptors attack Kash. Blood squirted out of his neck wound as he screamed, his voice disappearing as blood appeared on his lips. The raptors finished him off, tearing his body limb from limb until he could no longer move, until he could no longer make any noise.

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