Chapter: 37

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Taeyang directed the policeman to her house, but she insisted that only he came, she didn't want to deal with two grownups.

The man, whose name was Dan (yes its an English name) , felt pity for this young girl, he couldn't understand the whole picture. As he looked at the house in front of him, he was upset to tell the parents that their child was in the hospital, but before he could ring the bell, Taeyang stopped him.


"Why not? Have you got a a baby sibling sleeping that you don't want to disturb?" He asked curiously.

"Let me go in first, then I'll call them here." She said seriously. Now, Dan would never allow this, but he was immensely curious, a weak point of his. He couldn't understand how his child had turned from a panic attack to completely serious.

As Taeyang told the 'nice policeman' to wait outside for her, she walked in, and immediately started running towards her parents room.

She banged open the door, Chuuya immediately stood up in a fighting stance, as Dazai lazily opened his eyes. "I had just a milli-second of sleep.."

"Taeyang? What are you doing in those black clothes? An-" Chuuya was cut off by Taeyang panicking, and trying to tell them the situation.

"T-Theres a policeman outside!Akira got-got h-h-hurt!Shes in the hospital, and and and, don't you have to hide?" She asked Chuuya, almost tearing up again.

He was standing by the door ready to race to the hospital, but if he did, the police officer would see him. "He wants to see you too."Taeyang added.

Chuuya demanded Dazai to get out of bed and see the patient man outside.Chuuya was really worried, why couldn't he protect his children? Dazai groggily got up, and went straight to the man, swinging the already open door wider.


"Hello sir, are you the father of Taeyang? We need to speak to you and the mother."Dan said importantly.

Dazai blinked his eyes,"I'm Osamu Dazai and the 'mother' isn't here right now, and what would you need to speak to me about?"

"Well please to not fret, but your child , whose name is supposedly Akira, is in the hospital." He said looking straight into Dazai's eyes.

Dazai stared right back,he was already informed about this from Taeyang, "Well, are we allowed to see her?"


"My eldest son an-"

Dazai stared annoying at the radio that had just cut him off.

"Give me a second please, it seems that my team needs me." He said after listening to the message. "Ah, no worries, but before you go, where was she sent?"


"This is a horrible disguise." Chuuya stated after he had left the house with Haru and Dazai walking with him to the hospital.

Taeyang had gone off in a police car, much to Chuuya's detest.

"Aww but you look adorable!" Dazai said wrapping his arm around Chuuyas waist.Chuuya, yet again, cross-dressed, he wore a skirt, but with pants underneath, and a crop sweater on top. He claimed to be 'the other sister'.

"Please stop, Akiras in trouble right now."Haru said worriedly. He hadn't got any idea what was going on, except that Akira was in the hospital.

As they reached, Chuuya flung inside dragging Dazai and Haru along, as they weren't speeding it up.

There was already a few policemen there, and a nurse as well holding some papers. She looked sad to see Dazai.

"Osamu Dazai?"The lady asked crisply.

"Yes?" He responded, with Chuuya to his side. 

"Well, we're incredibly sorry",The lady started,Chuuyas heart stopped hearing his, "There wasn't anything we could have done for her."

Haru dropped to the floor crying into his knees. Chuuya had lost his speech, and Dazai stood there looking at the floor.

"...Akira lost her life?"

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