Chapter: 17

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Authors Note: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!Every single one of you helped :).I REALIZED THAT I FORGOT A FEW LINES IN CHAPTER 4 AND THAT WHY NOTHING MAKES SENSE IN CHAPTER 5 I'M SORRY!I EVEN MIXED UP AIKO AND AKIRA'S NAMES IN CHAPTER 7 I'M CRYING. I also realized the story is EXTREMLY rushed so I'm going to try and fix all that rubbish :)

Osamu Dazai's POV:

We all went shopping for all the clothes we needed. Me and Chuu also bought some new ones too to 'fit in' with the other parents or whatever.

He also bought new hats, and boots and made sure I brought full sleeve shirts/coats so I didn't expose my bandages.

"Why do you wear bandages daddy?" Taeyang asked. 

"Its a cool secret!"

Taeyang looked interested immediately.She has always been into these Mafia or detective things.

Haru was being boring as usual saying 'yes' to whatever my baby picked out so hardly.I slapped him on the back and told him he needed to buy cool things if he wanted to impress his soon lover.

Chu Chu bear whirled around and said,"He's not having any love stuff until he's 20."Akira let out a groan."But you guys have been doing this stuff since you were 15!". Chuu glared at me already guessing I told her that. I shrugged and picked up a pair of skinny pant and threw it at Chibi and told him he should try it on.

He sighed and went inside the dressing room. He came out and told me he wouldn't buy it because it was 'ripped'. "But that's the style baby!". "First of all, I said no nicknames, second of all, I'm not sure if parents wear this stuff."

"Well, you look good without pants anyway."

Akira started coughing trying not to laugh while I openly laughed. We got some really weird stares but who cares?

Chibikko's face turned red and told everyone to start heading toward the exit. He was definitely going to get really mad when we got home.


Even though their school wasn't starting for another week, everyone was talking about it.

Chu Baby said that only if anyone really properly asked about their parents, they could answer that they had two dads.

"But why?" Taeyang inquired.

"Because you might get bullied for being adopted" Haru said.

"But..I'm not..Why would I be adopted?"

"Because men can't give birth" Akira cut it ,eating chips. Chuu breathed in.

"Why can't men give birth?"

"That's because they can't, I had an ability used on me and we are not having this conversation ever again okay?" Chibi finally cut in.

Taeyang looked confused, as always.

"Nor me or Dazai will be home when you come back unfortunately, I have been skipping work too much so I need to go, I might have to work full days for all the work I still have to catch up on." The annoying slug said. Why can't he just do his work properly and quickly and come back to me? I do my work very efficiently.

I just sighed and let them keep talking about how they weren't allowed to say what we worked as either or it would cause drastic problems. No one even knows we have kids, we decided to keep it a complete secret in case people came after them for revenge or some crap.

We decided to keep my last name for them and gave Chuu's address to where we live.

- One Week Later -

Akira's POV:

I was basically squealing so much that morning when I woke up, dressing up quickly and shaking Haru and Taeyang awake to go to school!

"Your going to be disappointed Akira." Haru told me after I shook him a hundred times.

I just stuck out my tongue at him for trying to ruin my fun.I was going to find some really cool friends and have a really cute and hot boy to date too!

After gulping down my breakfast I yelled for father to go drive me to the school. Instead daddy came down telling me we'd probably get pulled over by the police if 'Chuu' drived since he was so short he'd look like a kid.

I laughed as Taeyang also seemed to lose her sulk from walking up early and laughed too.

We all piled up in the car and headed to school.


When I got to my classroom, no one greeted me or asked for my name, guess I would have to make some friends myself.

During a class, I leaned over and whispered to the girl sitting next to me,"Hey whats your name?"

The girl smiled really widely and since that second, we became really good friends.I talked with her a lot, trying not to let anything accidently slip out of my mouth. 

She talked back too and during lunch time, she invited me to sit with her other friends. She had a mix of boys and girls which I really loved, because boys can be sometimes really fun to hang out with even if you aren't dating them.... 

Haru's POV (At College((It was near the school and Chuuya decided it would be fun if Haru too learned to have social skills and hang out))):

I just walked into class and a bunch of people stared at me. 

I don't think I did anything wrong.

A girl whispered into her friends ear and that girl blushed. She looked like she was about to walk to me but a small boy beat her to it.

"Hi! what your name? Mines Riku!"He said sweetly. I felt my mouth smiling for some reason and replied,"Haru."

"You can sit with me! You seem like a really interesting person!"

For the rest of the day, Riku kept talking to me, but for some reason, I didn't find it annoying as it did with Akira.

I felt my heart beat going fast.

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