Chapter: 31

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Riku's POV:

I'm so confused.

Whats going on?

Harus acting strange, when IM the one whos supposed to be acting like that, his sister hurt my dad, but I suppose its alright since she's little.

His sister did look upset when she saw my dad.

Does he look scary?

I didn't really spend  a lot of time with him, heck, I don't even know what he does for work.

Thats kinda embarrassing. 

Maybe I can ask him, It'll surprise him that i'm even taking interest, but I should.

He is my father after all, I thought as a walked back from school to home.

I opened the door and walked in happily, "Hi mom! Wheres dad?" I asked my mom who was sitting on the couch.

"Welcome back darling, hes at work right now, he won't be back for two hours." she replied.

Maybe I can visit him, and surprise him, "Oh, thats alright. I know itts a bit stupid of me to ask, but where does he work?"

My moms eyes widened. She kept quiet and looked down confused. "..Where does he work?"

I looked at her confused, "Its fine mom, can you tell me what he works as?"

She looked even more confused and ducked her head down, "T-thats not possible..I-I dont know."

I suddenly got worried, why was she forgetting things like this? I ran to her side quickly and put my hand on her shoulder. "Are yo-"

She suddenly got up,"Yes I'm fine, I'll go lay down, the food is still on the stove, just remove it and eat." She said, rubbing her forehead and started to head to her room.

Why is everything so weird today?

I sighed and put my shoes back on, and headed outside, I'll just figure out myself. I thought long and hard, he sometimes mentioned there being 'annoying people to deal with', so he must have colleagues.

Obviously, I said slapping my forehead.

Then I tried thinking about dinner times, because he somtimes looked stressed and just talked without caring.

Right, there were 'mentally wrong' people he worked with too!..I wonder how that works, theres no way they'd let those type of people work.

Or I misheard it really wrongly.

Eh, its the only lead I have. Maybe he works at a hospital, we do have a lot of money, so a surgeon?

I smiled, he had some sharp tools in his drawer that one time! I'm on the right track!

I proudly walked on the pavement towards all the hospitals my phone told me that was in the area.

I went to all of them, asking for Kwatoko,my father, none of them said anything, until the thrid-to-last one I checked.

He grinned at me, and gave me a paper, "Your quite a young lad for this aren't you? Oh well."

"Young lad for what?" I asked.

He laughed, "Trying to act tough are you? Doesn't work around here."He said, patting my head roughly.

He creeped me out, so I left without saying anything other than 'thank you'.

After I walked a bit, I scanned the paper, and folded it open. There were arrows after arrows in rows that I couldn't understand. After looking at it for about 20 minutes, I decided to go back to the hospital, and follow the arrows that way.

When I stood there, the man gave me a strange look, I ignored him and started trying to follow what it said.

It took absolutely forever  to decode it.

When I reached there though, My mind went blank, wait, why did I come here?

Why did I follow a random paper?

What was even the purpose of this?

Why...Am I thinking of this now?

I scoffed and though, well, I already went this far, it isn't going to be a problem.I looked around me, there was just...nothing.

There were buildings, random wrappers, just another normal area.

Until I heard a scream.

It shook me, it wasn't a pretend one, it was full of horror and shock. I couldn't stop my body and ran after the sound.

I ran and ran. I never thought I'd stop. I stopped for a second, not sure where to go, until on cue, another scream was let out, except it was muffled forcefully after that.

I turned the corner and..


My body fell to the ground, and a sudden shock of pain hit my head and I was knocked out.


I woke up as usual.

In my bare white room, I wonder why it bothered me right now.

Its always been like this.

I rubbed my head unconcsiuosly, it weirdly hurt.

Huh, can't remember why.

I walked down the staircase, waiting...for what?

As I jumped the last two steps, I  greeted the two people in front of me, my parents?

"Good morning Rei and Mei!"

Ahem, obviously, those are intentionally rhyming names, 'Cause I didn't want there to be TOO many confusing names either. If what I tried to imply isn't clear right now, it will be soon. Soo Rikus father's name is Kwatoko, Kwa-to-ko. I hope that helps (Do NOT ask me why I picked such a hard name to remember T-T)

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