63) Bonjour, Baguette, and Other French Words

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A/N: When I say "Fill" you say "-er". Fill!

Nico groaned as he sat at the table, a plate of waffles in front of him. "Can't I just send in my work? I do it every other day, why not today too?"

"You'll be fine," Dick said with a laugh. "You only go in once a week, how bad can it be?"

Nico glared at his eldest brother while Bart began laughing, the other heroes attending GA having started joining them for breakfast. "The girls are obsessed with him," the speedster said between laughs. "They call him the mysterious Wayne."

Cassie snorted. "It's like the seven dwarfs. Dick is Nice, Jason is Angry, Tim is Smart, Damian is Formal, and now we have Nico as Mysterious."

Jason rolled his eyes. "They're still doing that?"

"Huh, Jay's and mine changed."

Tim's eyes were on Dick in an instant. "What did you used to be."

"Don't you dare."

Dick laughed. "Well it started after he got adopted, when I was still being an ass about it, so he was the sweetheart and I was the dick."

Tim snorted. "You were the sweetheart?"

Jason shrunk in his seat with a groan while the others laugh. "I still had that robin sparkle in my eye and the hope that the world might not be shit. It faded fast."

"Tt- Robin does not sparkle."

"That's because you're dead inside," Jason chided, but Nico saw their younger brother stiffen slightly.

Alfred walked into the room. "We will be leaving for Gotham Academy in fifteen minutes. Please collect your bags and move to the car."

Nico let out a groan as he begrudgingly grabbed his bag from the floor and began walking with the others.

"It's nice of Bruce to let us ride with you guys every morning," Kon said as he slipped on his leather jacket. "Oh, Nico, you forgot your tie."

"No I didn't. I just refuse to wear one." They approached the car and Nico got in the front seat.

Tim shook his head. "Barely even October and you're already rebelling."

"I'm still jealous that he has permanent dibs on the front seat," Bart grumbled, having been voted into the back seat with Cassie.

"He just played the game better than you," Tim said with a laugh.

Nico chuckled. "I get shotgun or I don't go, and I am more than willing to stay home."

"A man who knows what he wants, you have to respect it."

Kon nodded at Cassie's words as he buckled into his seat between Damian and Tim, the demigod noticing his older brother's blush at the positioning. "Be glad we let you into the car Bart."

Nico's phone buzzed as Alfred got in the car. "Oh Tim, Rachel wants to have a meeting tonight about the Non-Profit. Are you going to the Mountain later, or are you free?"

"Dude you got to come later, it's a GK day." Bart said excitedly.

Nico suppressed a smirk as he watched Tim pretend to debate if he was going. "I was supposed to have the night off, but Bruce will probably want me there if GK is hanging around. Can you tell Rachel that I can't tonight, but I'm free tomorrow. If she wants, I can meet her for lunch in New York since I know she's there for the Jones Gala."

Nico noticed Kon's face harden a little at the mention of getting lunch with the girl, but he brushed it off. "I'll let her know. Why does Bruce need you there though? That Ghost guy was supposed to kidnap me, yet he doesn't trust him to hang around the cave unsupervised?"

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