50) Death Threats Are How You Show Love

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A/N: this one is short, but cute.

-Jason POV-

Jason decided to treat Nico to the classic Wayne Kid Heart to Heart Moment ™️. They bought a tub of ice cream and went to the roof of WE, though not before stealing some spoons from one of the office kitchens. They sat there in comfortable silence for a little while as they watched the sun set and ate ice cream before the older one broke the silence.

"I know I said it earlier, but I want it to really sink in: Our entire family is going to love you no matter what. Your side of the family too. I know I only met them a few hours ago, but if those death threats meant anything, they care a lot."

Nico nodded a little, taking another bite of ice cream. "I know. Percy, Annabeth, and Jason all said the same thing; plus Piper came out as Bi and everyone was fine with it. It's just..." Nico's voice trailed off as he stared out at the city below them. "I was born in 1924. It wasn't like that back then. I lived in Italy right before Nazi occupation with a Catholic mother and grandparents. I know things have changed, but it's still hard."

Jason nodded. "I get that, well, I can understand what you mean. I can't imagine what it's like to be in your shoes, but I want you to know that if anyone gives you even the tiniest bit of shit for it, I will put them in the hospital... and possibly the ground."

Nico let out a laugh. "I appreciate it."

There was a long stretch of silence and Jason knew there was something else. Nico kept opening and then closing his mouth, as if he was fighting himself about saying it. "Just say it. If you don't then you'll just regret it later. Plus we still have a bit before we have to head back."

Nico looked at his hands for a moment. "I don't know how to tell Hazel. She was fine when it was Piper, but it's different when it's your brother."

"No it isn't, not really. If she was fine with Piper, but has a problem with you, then she was lying to Piper. It might take her a little bit to get comfortable with it, but she loves you a whole lot. She threatened to throw us into the pit if we did anything to you, which I imagine would take a whole lot of effort. If she is willing to take down 9 people for you, I don't think she'll mind the fact that you like dudes."

Nico stared at Jason for a moment before looking away with a blush. "Thank you for getting me out of the house. I think I would have died if I had to play family games after that."

Jason just chuckled and ruffled the kid's hair. "Dick did this for me after my first kiss— ironically, it was actually with Rachel. He walking into the living room and saw us and I thought I was going to die of embarrassment. Instead of giving me shit for it, he brought me here and we talked for a while. It was one of the first times we had met, only a few months before I died, but it's one of my favorite memories."

Nico smiled lightly and leaned into his brother's shoulder. "I'm glad it was you who walked in. I think Dick would have cried. Damian would have immediately tried to kill Will. Tim would probably have been more embarrassed than me. Oh gods and if it were Bruce-"

"Trust me, it's not fun," Jason said with a laugh. "I got a two hour lecture about safe sex and then the next day he gave me condoms."

Nico groaned and laid back on the ground. "Oh gods, he's going to try to give me the talk, isn't he?"

"There is no escaping it. He made a slide show for me."

"I couldn't even run away. The second Chiron finds out, he's going to try to do the same— or worse, Mr. D will do it."

Jason chuckled as he laid down next to the boy, his feet still dangling over the edge. "You could always hide out in the underworld."

Nico shook his head. "Then Hades will just try to do it again. I would rather he just follow through on his threats to smite me instead of going through that again."

"And I take it the Roman camp wouldn't be an option either?"

"It is not beneath Reyna to attempt. Plus there are why too many Lemures there that love to get in my business."

The older boy let out a laugh and patted his head. "You're screwed then. There is no escaping it."

A/N: I am a slut for bonding moments. Also happy 50th chapter. No clue how long this thing will be, but glad you guys are here for the ride. Also, as of when I am writing this, I just hit 18k reads which is insane to me so thank you so much!

Vote. Comment. Tell me who you think would be the worst person/god to get the talk from (I feel like Zeus would be the worst because you know he would tell personal stories and it would be hell).

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