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A/N: this one is pretty short, but the next one has the other demigods in it so you just gotta accept it...

The week with the team felt like it lasted forever. There were no more missions so it was just training and awkward conversation, the only high point was when Dick told them about their upcoming mission to watch the Waynes. Garf was immediately stressed that one of them would die. La'gann complained about babysitting rich kids. Jamie just asked why they needed super heroes when security guards would be a lot easier (valid). And Bumblebee was just excited about exploring the manor; they were convinced that there was going to be come cool secret tunnels. Wondergirl was still on a mission, but she probably would have been excited too.

When he finally left the mountain for what he hoped was that last time for a while, all he wanted to do was sleep. He had been waking up early to go there for a week and all he wanted was to sleep in and be lazy... but then it was time to go to camp.

Obviously he was excited to see everyone, but that meant that he was back to waking up at six AM every morning because Will insisted on morning runs and Percy and Jason always kept him up late. By the time that Capture the flag was done and it was time for him to go back to the manor to set up for the visit, he was running on empty.

He stepped out of the shadows and directly onto the coffee table in the middle of the living room. "My bad," he said with a yawn as he stepped off the table and plopped down between Dick and Jason on the couch. "Capture the flag just finished."

"Was your team victorious?" Damian asked as he closed his book.

"Yes, but it was close— like nearly got decapitated— close. Will and I were supposed to be runners since he is fast, I'm willing to maim people, and we make a good team; but Reyna and Frank made a call of loyalty."

Jason and Dick shared a look, but Nico was too tired to care. He leaned his head against Jason's shoulder, his eyelids becoming heavier as the teen spoke. "What does a call of loyalty mean?"

"I was the Ambassador of Pluto for the romans for a little under a year, so even though I never joined the legion, I am still technically in the senate. They did a call of loyalty, basically saying that since I had been away from both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter for a few months, I was not automatically on CHB's team. It turned into negotiations and Jason and I ended up switching places so I was on the red team."

"You fought for the romans?" Bruce asked.

Nico gave a small nod. "Reyna and I teamed up and we stole the flag."

Dick let out a small chuckle at the kid's tired but proud smile. "You excited for us to meet your side of the family?"

The kid nodded again, his blinks becoming longer. "It's going to be chaos, of course I am excited. If Leo doesn't start at least two fires, I'll give you fifty drachmas."

"Is that a lot?"

"In our world, it's like 2 dollars equals one drachma, but it's not an exact science."

"Huh. Is there like a book we can read to learn this stuff about your world? Like a manual on how to understand the modern day demigods," Tim asked, also setting his book to the side.

"No, that would make our lives too easy, and as everyone knows: demigods are made to suffer."

"You have been spending too much time with Todd. You have picked up his sass."

"Just wait till you meet Percy." Nico pulled his legs onto the couch and laid them on top of Dick's. "He has nearly been smited... smote? I don't know. the gods like to threaten to kill him a lot because of his sass."

"When are the others leaving camp?" Bruce asked, taking a quick photo of the three boys on the couch since Nico's eyes had closed.

"I told them to be here around noon." Nico moved his head from Jason's shoulder and onto his legs, using his thigh as a pillow as the second oldest lightly played with his hair. "They'll probably be late knowing them, so expect them at 2."

Dick smiled down at the boy. "Do you want to move to your room so you can actually sleep?"

Nico just shook his head. "I'm fine. It's too early to go to sleep."

Jason let out a chuckle and patted his head. "Sure it is bud."

The others began to talk amongst themselves, but Nico couldn't find it in him to listen. The only thing he could think of was how comfortable he was; not just because he was so tired he could have slept standing up, but because of the Waynes. He felt okay with them. He felt normal.

Huh, Nico thought to himself. Turns out I wasn't lying when I said I was leaving camp to get a sense of normal.

A/N: I honestly just didnt want to finish writing the two weeks, so I give you a cute filler chapter and time skip. Also, I have decided that Gotham schools start in September because I forgot school existed and then I had a fun idea.

Vote. Comment. Tell me what you think will happen when the families meet (I already wrote it, so it would be unfair for me to guess).

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