62) What a Broken Nose Between Broken Bros

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A/N: Okay so long chapter plus a light trigger waring that there is kinda mentions of a panic attack. I'll put a **** before that part and a summary at the end.

-Jason POV-

It was rare for Jason to be included in Batman's official plans. He was, legally speaking, 'not a bat,' even though it was very obvious he was (he literally wore the bat insignia). What was even rarer was for him to be brought in on league or team missions. He had only been allowed into the meeting at the Watchtower because he didn't ask and Bruce knew that he wouldn't leave easily.

He had been out with Roy when he got the call from Bruce. He didn't even explain what was happening to Roy, he just ran for the closest Zeta Tube. He didn't even care that he didn't have a mask on as he stepped into the mountain, he just needed to make sure his brother was okay.

"Where is he?" His eyes landed on Bruce standing with Damian while the team members that weren't on the mission gathered. "I told you not to fucking-"

"Jason." The older man leveled a glare at him. "Now is not the time."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Of course you'd say that. God forbid the great Batman admits he fucked up-"

"Jason, it's fine." Nico walked into the room, his suit gone and replaced with a short sleeve shirt and cargo pants, his domino mask still secured on his face. "It's not his fault that I have more enemies than I thought."

The second oldest Wayne's scanned over his brother's body, checking for more injuries. He saw bandages peaking out from both of his sleeves and near the collar of his shirt. "You shut it too. You were almost killed by Joker and still refused to sit out; your judgement is shit."

Bart muffled a snort only to receive 4 matching glares. Nico just rolled his eyes. "We will deal with this later. The others are almost back and we need to debrief."

Jason wanted to respond but the cave announced the arrival of the deployed team and Jason's eyes snapped to Dick. "Someone targeted him during an attack and you just left him behind?," he said as he approached Dick.

"We didn't know it was targeted until after we were already separated. You would have made the same call-"

"Bullshit," Jason said as he shoved Dick slightly. "I wouldn't have brought him out to begin with."

"Red hood-" Nico tried, but he was just ignored.

"He was needed on the mission. If it was anyone else, you would agree with me." Dick shoved Jason back.

Tim motioned for everyone else to step backwards, having seen this play out before.

Jason's fists tightened as he struggled to contain himself. "But it's not anyone else, it's him. He's-"

"Enough!" Nico yelled, a shock wave rippled through the shadows in the room and the temperature wavered for just a second. "Neither of you know the full story so just shut the fuck up so we can do this debrief. Yes, someone tried to kill me, but this isn't the first time, and it probably won't be the last. Stop acting like I'm some helpless child, I'm older than both of you dumbasses." 

It was silent for a moment before Artemis broke it. "You're older than them?"

Nico sighed. "Remember the physiology thing we were talking about earlier? That's part of it."

"Dude, how old are you?" Garf seemed more interested than weirded out.

Nico looked around the room for a second. "I'm older than everyone in the room."

Megan stepped forward. "I'm technically like 50 in earth years."

"My statement still stands."

Everyone gapped at Nico for a long moment before Batman cleared his throat. "Putting that aside, we need to debrief what happened on today's mission. Ghost King, if you will?"

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