47) Single File Line to Threaten the Waynes

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A/N: I am now caught up to my writing (tho I was adding to in while I posted), so now I actually have to focus on writing. Though I do have 24 chapters between when I'm writing this and when you'll see it, so it'll probably be fine.

After the other Bats got there and all the vigilante/non normal things were hidden, the family spread throughout the main living room by the entrance of the manor. Tim was filling in Steph, Cass, and Duke about what they learned earlier while the others all chatted. Nico wanted to pay attention to what they were saying, but he just kept glancing at his phone. He had gotten a text from Will at 1pm that they were an hour away, and it had been an hour and fifteen minutes. He knew they were going to be late for the noon deadline, but each minute past 2 felt like an hour. Finally, after what felt like years, though was only five more minutes, his phone rang.

Immediately he was on his feet and walking towards the front door, the others close behind, as he answered. "Are you here?"

Percy laughed through the speaker. "Hello to you too Nico. Yes, we're here. Where do we park?"

"Just park by the door, Alfred said he'll move it later."

After a few more words, he hung up and opened the front door as the demigods began spilling out of the car.

"What the Hades Leo! That was my backpack you threw, not Jason's!"

"Sorry Pipes!"

"Seaweed Brain, where did you put our host gift?"

"I gave it to Rachel."

"I gave it to Hazel."

"I gave it to Frank."

"I put it in the trunk."

"Thank gods someone has some common sense."

"Leo there are crumbs all over my backpack!"

"Sorry RED, but that's what you get for throwing it at me at the New Jersey border."

"I was aiming for Percy."

Nico, now standing on the step of the entrance, cleared his throat and all eyes snapped to him.

"Nico!" Hazel yelled as she ran at her brother, wrapping him in a tight hug. Nico gave a quick kiss to her forehead before they pulled back. "I can't believe you live here."

Nico scratched his neck. "Me either, but these weirdos seem to want me to stick around."

The others all said their hellos before following Nico into the house where the Waynes were waiting inside the doors.

"Welcome to Wayne Manor. Please leave your bags by the door, I will move them to your rooms for the night later," Alfred said with a polite nod to the group before heading off to the kitchen to prepare snacks.

The demigods hesitated to put their bags down, not wanting to cause extra work for the man, but after Nico assured them that there was no way the butler would allow them to carry them around, they all conceded.

"Okay, introductions. Waynes, this is Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Reyna, Leo, Frank, Piper, Jason, Will, and you all know Rachel."

The Wayne all said hello (except for Damian who just nodded before 'Tt'ing at Rachel who glared in return), before Nico went to introduce the other side of his family.

"Guys, these are the Waynes, well, mostly Waynes. This is Duke, Cass, Barbra, and Steph, they are honorary Waynes. And then my brothers, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. And this is-" Nico cut himself off and hesitated before steeling himself and continuing. "This is my dad, Bruce."

Bruce's eyes immediately snapped to Nico and a bright smile replaced his practiced one. Stephanie 'awwwww'ed quietly but Nico just swatted her arm and rolled his eyes.

The demigods all shared not so subtle looks before exchanging hellos. Bruce led them to the living room where they immediately filled up the assortment of couches, chairs, and floor space. The son of Hades sat between Cass and Bruce on one of the couches.

He was about to ask the others how the drive was when Alfred came in and gave him a look before saying, "Master Nico, would you mind helping me in the kitchen?"

Nico nodded and rose from his seat. He was halfway to the door before he reached into a shadow and pulled out the ticket dispenser (Leo shivered at the sight), then left the room with Alfred.

(A/N: I am a kind and generous soul, so you get a bonus part)


Nico sat at the counter as Alfred poured him a cup of tea. "How long should I give them?"

The butler chuckled. "Whenever I have given the shovel talk, it usually doesn't take longer than a few minutes. I find that the best threats are short and quick, it sinks in faster that way."

Nico nodded. "I only threatened Frank for around a minute for mine, and it seemed to work well enough."

The man sat next to Nico, sipping his own tea. "I say we give them a good fifteen minutes. They can all get a minute and a half, and we can have our tea in peace."

The two clinked their glasses together and enjoyed each other's company while the others were probably shitting themselves just a little bit.

A/N: They have arrived! IDK what else to put here... Did you know that Mussolini was called the Duce.

Vote. Comment. Tell me a fun fact (Mosquitos are drawn to people who have recently eaten bananas).

A/N 2: Also as a thank you for nearly 100k reads, here are some chapter title sneak peeks.

49) Great, Now He's Been Outed in Front of Two Jasons

51) Hotel for Dogs- I Mean Demigods

54) Kidnapping is Funny

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