28) Guess Who's at the Gala

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A/N: this one is kinda long

-Dick POV-

Everyone but Nico stood in Dick's room as Alfred checked them over, straightening their ties and making sure they looked like respectable Waynes.

The door opened and Nico's head appeared. "I look stupid."

"Come on Neeks, I'm sure you look great." Dick walked over and opened the door more so they could see the boy. "You look amazing dude."

Nico rolled his eyes. "I look like I should be in a casket."

Jason snorted before saying, "I don't think that's the suit's fault. I would blame your father and general whiteness."

Nico swatted Jason's shoulder as Alfred straitened his tie. "You're more white than me Mr. Scottish and Swedish; I'm Italian and Greek."

"And yet I'm still tanner," Jason said with a laugh. "And I'm pretty sure both of those still count as white."

Nico shrugged. "In my time they weren't considered that, at least not in the same way Scots are."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, the 1930s weren't a great time to be half Greek, Italian immigrants in America. Really just not a great time to be either in general."

Alfred finished with all of them before saying, "sorry to cut the history lesson short, but you are all ready."

Bruce stood from his seat and faced the boys. "Okay, remember, we are hosting this event to raise money for the nonprofit and to introduce Nico. I want one of you with him at all times for moral support and/or to translate. Damian, no threatening people. Jason, no cursing anyone out. Tim, no sneaking off. Dick, no lying about me to the news for fun. Nico, you are gonna do great, Percy should be downstairs already."

With that, they all began to head downstairs. As they reached the doors to the ballroom, they got into position, knowing that the press would be taking photos. Dick and Nico stood on either side of Bruce with Jason and Tim behind Nico and Damian slightly behind Dick. As they opened the doors, camera flashes began to blind them and Dick couldn't help but be thankful that they practiced with Nico (they flashed flashlights in his face while yelling questions). As they walked in and the cameras finally stopped, the all shared a look before splitting off, Dick with Nico first.

The two boys walked along the side of the ballroom until a familiar dark haired teen came bouncing over. "Neeks, you look great. Who woulda guessed you cleaned up so well. Be glad no one from Cabin ten is here."

Dick was confused for a second before Nico whispered "Aphrodite" to him and then replying to his cousin. "Right back at you Kelp Head. Where's your better half?"

"Annabeth doesn't get to this coast until tomorrow morning, Mrs. O'Leary is bringing her. I brought someone else as my plus one."

At that moment a blonde teen with a bright smile returned, nearly dropping the two glasses of punch when his eyes landed on Nico. The two just froze as they stared at each other, Dick and Percy sharing twin smirks at their blushing.

The blonde shook himself out of it first and turned to Dick. "Hi, I'm Will. I'm Nico's friend and doctor from Camp."

Dick shook his hand with a smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Dick, the oldest. Thank you for everything you've done for him."

Will nodded in response before turning to Nico. They seemed to be silently speaking until Nico let out a sigh and said, "you have five seconds Solance."

At first Dick thought he meant to run away but instead the blonde wrapped Nico in a tight hug.

"How come he gets a hug and I don't?"

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