20) Why Are the Rooms So Big?

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A/N: This chapter is really short, but it didn't make sense to combine it with the next one because it became way too long and didn't flow well.

Nico had arrived back at the manor, duffle bag in hand, and was led to the room the boys had apparently decided was his. As he walked in, his eyes widened at how large it was. It was like the size as Sally's apartment but it was just his. He looked through the two doors within the room and found, not only his own bathroom, but a large and empty closet. He ended up just staring at the closet from the door way for a moment, thinking about how he'd never owned enough stuff in his life to even fill it half way. He heard footsteps approaching and a soft knock on the open door of his room. As he turned he saw the brothers standing at his door.

"Hey, we wanted to see if you needed any help unpacking," Dick said from the door frame.

Nico nodded his head to say that they could come in before responding. "Not really, I just have my duffle bag and it's only half full."

Tim's eyes widened in shock. "That's all you have?"

The son of Hades blushed, a bit embarrassed by how little he had. "I move around a lot, it never made sense to get more stuff."

The boys seemed to have a silent conversation before Dick spoke up. "Then how about I give you a hand and the boys go talk to Alfred about a shopping trip to get you some more clothes and decorations for your room?"

"Oh I don't really need-"

Jason didn't let him finish. "Trust me, Bruce has more than enough money so you don't have to feel bad. Plus, the old man can be distant at times so he likes to buy us stuff to make up for it."

Damian elbowed Jason at his statement. "You make it seem like Father tries to buy our love. He simply wants us to have everything we need."

"Either way," Tim said with a roll of his eyes while ushering the bickering siblings out of the room. "We will let you two get to it."

Nico watched as they left the room before turning to look at Dick. "I really don't need much help, but you can stay if you want."

Dick smiled at him and sat in the chair at the desk in the corner of the room. Nico began to unpack his clothes, feeling like he had even less than he thought with how large the closet was. He set a photo album he had with him on the night stand of his bed before putting his sister's green hat and the Hades figurine on his desk. The only things he had left were his bathroom stuff, but he just stared at the door apprehensively.

Dick seemed to notice and walk up next to him. "What's wrong Nico?"

The teen was quiet for a moment, glancing at Dick and then back away before he quietly asked, "can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, anything you need," Dick said without hesitation.

Nico scratched the back of his neck. "Can you cover the mirror?"

Dick smiled at the boy, his eyes sparkling. "Of course." Nico watched as he left the room for a second and came back with a spare sheet and went into the bathroom. After a few moments he came out again.

"Thank you."

"Of course, what are brothers for?" Dick went back to the chair to give Nico space before saying, "if you want, I can take it off the wall entirely."

Nico shook his head. "No, covering it is fine. I don't always have an issue with them, just sometimes."

Dick nodded in understanding. "I get that. When I was around your age I had some issues looking in the mirror because of the scars I had gotten from being Robin."

Nico nodded and looked at his empty duffle bag. "I'm finished. What now?"

"Well we still have about an hour until lunch. Usually we'd all be training together, but we took the day off to welcome you." Dick rose from his chair and stood next to Nico as he spoke.

Nico's interest was piqued, he hadn't been able to seriously train since he moved to Gotham. "What kind of training?"

A/N: I really got nothing to say. Next chapter will be longer and the Batfam learns some more stuff about Nico and his trauma which is fun. Also, in future chapters I'll add trigger warnings and summaries at the bottom in case people want to skip sections. I probably should have added one for Nico's first panic attack at the Manor but it didn't really feel too bad so I didn't. If you think I should, just lmk and I can go back and add one.

Vote. Comment. Tell me a head cannon you want to see more of in general or in this story (I want to add in more of Bruce's kids embarrassing him in the media for fun).

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