CH2 "oreos and oat milk"

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Aliona opened the door to the blond curly haired boy. They shared a quick glance and smile,
                     "You started swimming without me." The boy dryly states the obvious, staring at Aliona dripping wet on her living room carpet.

                    "No, I got pushed in the pool." Aliona says before leaning in for a hug.

Rafes and Aliona's friends were all here already. Everybody was doing their own thing. Some were swimming and the rest talking and eating on the side.
                    "Come in."

Walker's POV:
This isn't the first time I've been to Vera's house, she always organizes hangouts at hers. At least when she's in the States. I think she can't bear being alone for one second. Once she FaceTimed me at 2am because she couldn't find her cat and no one was home so she needed company. I walk into the busy home, following the short girl. I walk into the familiar spacious backyard with a beautiful view on the city. I recognize a few faces,

                   "Guys Walker's here!" Ali raises her voice enough for everyone to hear her. A very familiar person gets out of the pool and passes me a beer.

I greet Rafe, Ali's brother, and all his friends, I join everyone in the pool.

Neutral POV:

The teenagers were all gossiping about school drama which Walker didn't fully understand since he doesn't go to the same school. But Aliona did her best to include him and try to explain the story. They all laughed as they kept on drinking until the conversation quickly shifted to Hollywood drama.

Jack initiated it,
             "So Walker, you dating Leah from Percy or what?" Alionas childhood bestfriend asks with no shame at all. Walker laughed it off, internally anxious.

             "No no Leah and i are good friends." Some 'mhmmm's are heard.
               "Guys leave him alone." Aliona came to his defense.

               "And you Aliona, you've been real close with Finn yeahhh?" Her friend, Jack, asked. Walker quickly side eyed her,
              "Finn Wolfhard?" The blond asks.
              "What the fuck no! We literally just finished filming a movie together that's all." Rafe doesn't miss the chance to tease his older sister,
             "I heard you telling mom that you guys had to make out for a scene." *Entertained gasps* Walker side eyes Aliona again.
             "That's private information you'll find out when you'll watch the movie."

It's around 10 pm and the hangout is far from dead. Rafe and Aliona's friends are between 15 and 17 years olds, under age drinking, but that's exactly why a lot of them don't have self control. Ian was « singing » Ella Baila Sola but he doesn't speak fucking Spanish AND he was drunk so it was very messy.

Walker and Aliona were having a conversation on how tiktok shaped their sense of humor but her words were already starting to sound baffled and her thoughts were impulsively spoken as the liquor started getting to her head.

              "You know I hated you when the Adam project came out right?" Aliona asks Walker.

             "I know, you made it very obvious." Walker smiles at the tipsy girl as he was starting to feel the alcohol get to him as well. She pouts and glances at her hands. It was silent between the two actors as they watched their friends do back flips in the pool.


I looked at Walker sitting next to me in the pool. I admired his freckled face and blue eyes. That's probably why I hated him when he first entered the industry, because he was cuter than me. Fans found their new favorite young actor and I was jealous as I was used to being spoiled by everyone from a very young age. Anyways, i was excited to work with him in a few weeks. I smiled at him.

                    "You want Oreos?"


I was sitting on the modern kitchen counter, waiting for my sweet treat. Aliona walked in a big pantry filled with snacks and came out holding a big box of Oreos. I thanked her and quickly opened it and starting munching on my favorite biscuits. Aliona was still in her bikini, her long wet hair was sticking to her back touching the top of her waist. I quickly look away of course I'm not perverted. Now I'm looking at her like she's crazy.

                  "You eat Oreos with oat milk ?!" I ask her flabbergasted. Now she's looking at me like I'm crazy.

                 "You don't like oat milk?" She asks me. I try to act like I didn't see her looking down at my lips then my eyes.

VERA - walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now