Chapter 147

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The black clothe was yanked off his face and he groaned, before he looked up, coming face to face with his father, his blood ran cold as he tensed up, the man was sitting on the other side of the car just watching him, with his legs spread apart, looking at it now, he kind of looked like his father, especially the way his hair was always shining at the tip, as if he added some kind of highlight to it.

Nate clenched his jaw as he looked to the right and one of those men who had taken him was sitting there, eyes looking up ahead, by the left was the same thing.

He didn't recognize any of these guys, and they looked quite bigger and more intimidating than the regular men always at his father's place, these ones looked and even felt just as dangerous as Spade's men.

He sighed out and looked at his father again, the man just watched him, as if waiting for him to say something first
He cocked his brows as he looked at Nate "what? You're not going to say hi to your dad"? He asked and Nate scoffed lightly, watching the way his father's eyes had shifted slightly

"So you have to kidnap me to see me now"? He asked, his voice holding a bite to it, his father's eyes held something akin to shock and surprise, but it was quick to disappear like it came, before he shrugged

"I can't seem to get you at your apartment these days, and I heard that you're sucking Spade's dick now, and personally I don't like that man, can't risk him knowing what I want to tell you" his father grumbled out, grimacing as he talked about Nate sucking Spade's dick

Another light scoff left Nate's mouth as he felt his blood boil, his father had no right to judge him, or even try to control him for what he wanted to do, the man had literally ruined his life, and now he was trying to paint him in a bad light for loving someone he was happy with.

He knew he should have shut his mouth when he started feeling angry but he was just so pissed off to care
"Let me guess, your very true friend told you"? He fired back, watching as his father's face grew hard, and he clenched his jaw.
His father knew exactly who he was talking about, and Nate knew no one would have told his father except that man.

His father leaned in and stopped just mere inches from Nate's face, his hot drunken breath fanning Nate's face, as he resisted the urge to grimace in disgust
"You may be sucking Spade's dick boy, but I'm still your father and you will do well to remember that" he gritted out dangerously low, as Nate felt his courage diminish a little, he looked away from his father quickly

"What do you want"? Nate gritted out and his father leaned away, interlocking his fingers together as he looked at Nate

"Good" he muttered before he shoved his hands into his pocket and brought out a tiny thing, it looked like recorder of some kind, before he handed it to Nate, who looked at it wearily, as he didn't want to take, until he finally did, examining the object in his hand.
"That's a recorder, you're going to take it and since you're always around Spade, I want you to get him to tell you all about the Italy auction that happened three weeks ago" his father explained, causing Nate to look at wide eye

"What"? He asked out, as if he didn't just hear his father, but of course he did and it wasn't like he wanted the man to repeat himself, he just wanted to be sure the man wasn't mistaken, and by the serious look in his eyes, Nate could tell he wasn't at all mistaken

He started shaking his head "I can't do it" he looked up at his father, determined to go against the man for once in his life "I won't do it" he gritted out.

His father watched him for the most part of two minutes before he sighed out, and picked up a tablet on the table and handed it to Nate, who was reluctant to take it
"Go ahead and take it" his father muttered, before he stretched out his hand and took the tablet, peering at the screen, his blood ran cold as it felt as if time had stopped, a live camera feed of his sister at the coffee shop he'd met her two weeks ago

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