Chapter 139

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As soon as they cornered around the building, Nate couldn't hold on any longer as he hunched over and everything he'd eaten that evening came out in full force.
He retched and vomited everything from his throat, Spade leaned in and placed his hand on Nate's back, slowly rubbing on it.
Nate retched some more until there was nothing else to let out.

Before Spade reached into the bag from which they just brought stuff and pulled out a bottle of water, he opened it and handed it to Nate, who washed his mouth and drank some, Spade even helped him sprinkle some on his face, as his face had gone completely pale, from the vibrant pale it had on a few minutes ago, to a deathly pale.

He got up and used the back of his hand to clean his mouth, Spade collected the water and looked at him
"Are you okay"? He asked, concern dripping off his voice, he looked at Spade and could barely even say anything as he nodded
He swallowed as he didn't even know how he was feeling at the moment

"Can you take me home" he whispered and Spade looked at him before he nodded and placed his hand on Nate's back leading him back to where the car was, they got there and Spade helped him into the car, he got in and took a quick glance at Nate, the young man wasn't looking bright at all.

Even his eyes looked drain, and his lips looked parched as he was suddenly too quiet and sullen
"Are you sure you're okay"? He asked and Nate just looked at him before he nodded again
"I knew we shouldn't have eaten that lobster" Spade muttered before he started the car and drove them away from the restaurant.

Nate was now looking out the window as the drove back to Spade's place, never in a million years did he think he would see that man ever again, not after he suddenly disappeared after their mother's death.

But seeing him now, everything he'd done to Nate was starting to crawl back up, trying to corner the young man, it felt as if everything he'd done with Spade, every moment with Spade had been erased from his mind.

All he could think about was the person he just encountered, and worse, the man was Spade's uncle.
Oh God, everything he'd had since meeting Spade was now hanging by a thread, what if he told Spade what happened years ago?
Of course he would tell Spade, he was his uncle after all

Nate felt his head go hot, his chest burn and his eyes were suddenly stinging but he didn't want to cry, not while he was still with Spade.
What would he even do now.

Not only did he meet a constant nightmares of his life, but the man was related to the man he'd fallen in love with.
He didn't even know how to deal with this

His mind was a mess and he couldn't think straight, he couldn't even form a straight sentence at the moment.
His life that he thought was finally getting back on track, everything comes crashing down, with just one meeting, his very existence was shaking.

Spade kept stealing glances at him, he didn't like the way Nate had suddenly gone silent, it was irking him.
Did he do something wrong, or was it the sexual joke he made at the shop?
Did he offend Nate with that?

But the young man didn't seem offended or angry, he seemed rather shaken up and lost, just like he used to look when Spade just met him, maybe Nate was just sick from the lobster and he was overthinking things.

What the hell was Salvatore doing in Manhattan? And why didn't he know about it?
Whatever it was, he hoped the man stayed out of his business, he didn't want to add his uncle's shit to his already piled up business.

They arrived at the house and Nate was quick to get out of the car, as if it was burning him, he rushed into the house, Spade just furrowed his brows as he stepped out of the car and shut the door.

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