Chapter 121

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Matteo stood in the crowd after doing a final sweep and talking to the guards on the comms, making sure everything was in place
The place was less crowded this year, there weren't much people at the auction, it was actually about to start and Matteo looked around, not seeing Stefano.

He gritted his teeth together, how hard could it be for the man to find this place, he had to come early being the person here in place of Spade, so he left Stefano at the hotel, of course he didn't take Stefano to Spade's cabin, he didn't think Spade would like that and personally he didn't want to spend one second around the man than necessary.

After he almost talked down Matteo's ears through out the journey to italy and even on the car ride to the hotel.
But now he was beginning to worry, where the hell was he?
Hope he wasn't getting any foolish ideas or doing something shady while they were there

Everyone was seated including Matteo, they all had half masks on their faces, this was so no one would recognize the other here, it was important to keep the identities of those who attended a secret, the only people who knew who and who attended the auction was Matteo and Spade, because they shortlisted the invitation list.

He heard the sound of the mic coming on, and the MC began talking, doing the usual introduction and all of that, Matteo still had his eyes searching the hall.
For someone who was screaming about coming to the auction, he was running really late.

Just as Matteo's eyes moved past the entrance, he saw someone, rather he saw the person he'd been searching for, walking in with his hands shoved into his pocket, wearing a white tux, black pants and black buttoned up shirt inside.

He looked... Sleek.
Matteo clenched his jaw, cussing at himself for even thinking that.
He had his hair packed back in a bun, Matteo fisted his hands beside him.

The fucking asshole wasn't putting on a mask, he almost wanted to rush towards him and yank him out of the room but the auction had already began and the MC had brought forward the first item to be sold.

Stefano had already seen Matteo as he walked towards the man, he couldn't help his eyes as they raked through Matteo's body, he was putting on a completely white tux, white pants and how perfectly they looked on his body, Stefano smiled, feeling his whole body relaxed, but the scorn on Matteo's face was evident the man wasn't pleased with him, when had Matteo ever been pleased with him.

He stopped in front of Matteo and his eyes met with cold, steel, lifeless and angry blue eyes as they glared at him, but he didn't mind, at least he could have Matteo look at him.
"What"? He asked when he saw Matteo's glare only hardened at him.

"Where the fuck is your mask"? The blonde gritted out, and Stefano just looked around and sighed

"I didn't think I needed to wear one, besides you're not wearing one" he muttered casually, and this only caused Matteo to want to strangle him.

"I'm not wearing one because we own the fucking thing, you're here as a guest, my guest, it's obligatory you wear one" he snapped, Stefano just scrunched his nose up, before he smacked his lips together, okay he didn't expect that to happen.

Matteo was already kind of causing a scene and he didn't want that so he just turned away from Stefano, making the man to walk around and sit just beside Matteo.

He wanted to bask in Matteo's fruity cologne, it smelt like pine and lavender.
Matteo focused on the auction as people bidded away, while Stefano focused on Matteo.

His eyes resting on Matteo's hair, he liked how silky they looked, what would Matteo do if he touched it, just to feel it in his fingers, the blonde would probably kill him, he smiled at that thought.

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