Chapter 51

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He drove as if his very life depended on it, violating all the rules and regulations of driving, he finally stopped the car in front of the apartment building, he didn't even know how he got here sane and in one piece, with his mind spiralling out of control.

He looked at the building, letting out a deep breath, he opened the door and stepped out of the car, he headed straight into the building, ignoring the pounding of his heart, everything in him screamed in turmoil, what if something has happened to Nate?

He quickly shook his head, ignoring the man at the front desk in the lobby, he walked towards the elevator, he pressed it and waited for it to open, he looked right and left, remembering the last time he'd come here, that was what started all this.

Maybe he shouldn't have moved the marriage thing forward, because if he didn't then maybe he'd still have so many chances and reason to still see, and talk to Nate.

He wouldn't be here pulling his hair losing his mind, worrying if the kid was okay or if he was walking into a trap, a trap set by Greg with the help of Nate.

He sighed out as he pushed that thought away, he didn't wanna believe Nate was like that.
The elevator doors opened and he stepped inside, pressing the button to Nate's floor, perks of being the owner of the building, he knew where everyone lived, he waited until the elevator doors closed before shoving his hands into his pockets.

Staring at himself through the elevator doors, he sighed out and shut his eyes.
This was not how he planned it to fan out, when he moved the marriage thing closer.
He did it in hopes of getting rid of the pull he was feeling for Nate but he only made it worse, because now he could no longer deny it to himself.

Being on this elevator with a million things on his mind but the main thing being that he was worried, even if it was just a little bit for Nate, he knew he couldn't deny it to anyone more and he couldn't run from it.
He realized now that running from it was only making it worse.

The more he ran from it, the stronger it became and the more it drove him crazy.
The elevator dinged, indicating he was at his designated floor, the doors pulled open and he stepped out.

He walked briskly and smartly towards Nate's apartment door, he stopped in front of it, inhaling a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what he'd meet on the other side of these doors.
He clenched his jaw tightly, before he tapped the passcode on the keypad, hearing the sounds of the keys as he tapped away, he heard the click sound and the door creaked a notch open

He slowly pushed it, letting his legs step in first, before his body emerged inside the living room, his eyes hadn't looked anywhere else, as he stepped into the room completely and the door closed behind him, making the same soft clicking sound.

His eyes raked through the room before they landed on the figure on the floor, his whole body froze as he just stood there, unmoving and feeling his blood run dry and his whole nerves and body tense.

His lips parted slightly as he felt the air being sucked out of him, his throat become parched as he watched Nate lay down there, almost lifeless as he didn't move.

As if something had snapped inside of him, he rushed forward and crouched down beside Nate, he quickly reached his hand out and turned his face up, he gasped out as he saw the state of his face

He felt everything still with time as he watched him, his eyes bruised and swollen, almost purple, his lips busted, his jaw swollen and part of his face filled with dried blood, the side of his head almost bashed in as blood had dried on the surface.

His body was almost cold and lifeless, if not for the small rise and fall of his chest, Spade would have thought he was dead, he felt his heart beat rise, beating and thumping hard, pounding and threatening to rip through his chest.

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