⭐•Bonus Chapter•⭐ | Link's Last Nerve

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Hehehehe back wit another one ☝🏽

Anyways, here's Link and Carl (in current story time)

And photo by me lol. I'll make the others later (hopefully).

Link's pov:

I drove home from Y/N's house, feeling good about finally having Sun and Moon up and running again. It felt nice to see Y/N happy for once and not being faced with challenges constantly. Poor thing can't seem to catch a break.

I pulled into my driveway and went inside, locking my car and front door once I was in. I removed my jacket and turned on the light in my living room, nearly jumping out of my skin when I saw him sitting there. "Jesus, Carl. Why are you here? And how did you even get inside?" I said, putting my jacket on the rack by the door. He sighed.

"Because, Link. I need your help again. You need to get me close to Y/N. Without those blasted robots near her, which you so deliberately put back in my way," he glared at me. "It defeats the purpose of working together if you're just going to make things harder for me, you know."

I stared at him, unamused. "Well, you're not getting my help again," I said. "You've already done enough damage, and I'm honestly sick of you." I headed towards the kitchen and grabbed some of my macaroni and cheese out of the fridge. "What if I promised you a boost in your salary?" Carl attempted to bribe me as he'd done before.

"You're not my boss anymore," I said. "Oh, but I can always have that arranged," he said. "I can be quite persuasive. You know, right?" I was silent, remembering the time he pulled a gun on me to get Y/N's number. I sighed. "Don't remind me," I said, turning on the microwave.

"Well?" Carl was suddenly behind me when I turned around to grab a drink. "I assume you're going to help me, then?" He stared at me, his blue eyes much more soul-piercing than the brown ones in his old body. "Carl, just leave me alone. I've had a long night," I said, pushing past him towards the fridge.

He left me alone for all of 5 seconds before he put a hand on my shoulder, causing chills to go up my spine, and I felt the familiar feeling of the barrel of his pistol pressed up against my lower back. "You know what happens if you don't help, Link dear," he said into my ear. "So are you going to help me or not?"

I swallowed my saliva, my throat as dry as a desert. I had no choice but to listen.

"...Fine." I said. "But at least promise me you'll give me the money you promised," I looked down at him, his new body being a bit shorter than his old one. He smirked. "If the job is well done, Link. If the job is well done." He took his gun off my back and went into the living room, spinning it on his finger. "Now make me some spaghetti. No meatballs. And bring me a glass of that French wine you bought. I need something refreshing." he demanded, sitting in his recliner chair. I sighed. "Yes, Carl." I said, making his food.

Looks like I'm going back to work.

533 Words

(Oh, and this is canon to the story btw.)

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now