3: Goodnight

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Photo from @AnyonesCumslut thanks babe 💖<3

Sun's pov:

I felt sad seeing Y/N leave, but she promised to be back, and you can't break a promise! That would be bad of Y/N.

Ignoring the rowdiness of the children today, I think she did a SPECTACULAR job on her first day! I can't wait to spend more time with Y/N.

I have so many plans for the night! We'll tell stories, finger paint, play games, share secrets, and play with glitter glue! No sleepover is complete without glitter glue!!

I just hope the lights stay-

Y/N's pov:

Link had led me to a nice area not too far from the daycare where we located my room, and I was still exploring it. Link had gone back to his dorm, which was a few doors down from mine.
He's a really nice guy, I think. He doesn't look too bad, either.

After exploring my room, I decided to head back to the daycare to hang out a bit with Sun before I went home to start bringing things to my new room.

When I arrived at the daycare, I slid into the ball pit, expecting to be met by bright lights and Sun.

Instead, the daycare was dark, the only source of light coming from the tower that Sun leapt from and the glowing stars and moon on the ceiling and walls.

I also heard laughing.

Maniacal laughing.

"Sun...?" I called into the darkness.

He was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was playing with me.

"Are we playing a game?" I said. This was one wild way to play Hide and Seek. Especially in the dark.

I heard the laughing again, and this time it sounded closer than before.

"Naughty, naughty, Y/N..." someone said. I whipped around in all directions, trying to find whoever said that. No one was there.

I then decided to head for the play structures that had tubes and slides in them to hide. Now I was getting scared.

"Playing games, now are we? I love games~" the voice said again. Shortly after, I heard thumping in the play structures near my location.

I barely had time to think or move before I was met with the face of an animatronic.

"Found you," it said. I felt a hand grab my throat and drag me out of the play structure. I then felt my body slam against the wall, the animatronic's claws digging into my neck.

"You should be sleeping," they said. Their voice was raspy and low. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda liked their voice. They were choking me pretty hard, though.

"Can't...breathe-" I managed to say.

The animatronic only tightened its grip on my neck, and I felt like I was about to pass out.

"Nighty night, naughty one,"
Just as I thought it was the end, the lights turned on.

[A/N]: I apologize for the crap quality, I'm not the best at character intros.

457 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now