8: Rule-Breaker

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"Naughty boy...you must be punished," Moon growled as he got closer.

Luckily, I was right by the light switch, so obviously I turned the lights back on before Moon could hurt the child. Once I did so, I gently grabbed the kid by the arm. "Why did you turn off the lights?!" I said. The kid then slugged me in the arm. Hard.

"OW!" I yelped as I rubbed my arm.

He soon looked back up and started screaming, however. I was confused why until I suddenly saw Sun snatch the kid by the arm and hold him up in the air by it.

"You DON'T hit the helpers, you little shi- friend! And the lights stay ON, ON, ON!! RULE-BREAKER, RULE-BREAKER!" Sun said loudly. The kid decided to start kicking and screaming, clearly scared that he was at least ten feet in the air.

"Um, Sun-" he ignored me and made his way over to the doors I used to get in and out of the daycare, opened them, and dangled the kid outside. "YOU ARE BANNED FROM THE DAYCARE!!" Sun then harshly threw the kid on the floor and slammed the doors shut, the muffled screams and cries of the child could be heard from the other side, with occasional banging as he begged to be let back in.

Sun then turned around and faced the group of remaining kids with a smile plastered on his face.

"I am so sorry about that, my sunbeams! Anyway, it's snack time!" he continued with the normal activities as if nothing had happened. The only other time he acknowledged the child he threw out was when he grabbed what I assumed were the child's things, and threw them outside, including his snacks.

I was surprised, to say the least. I wasn't expecting Sun to be so harsh with a child of all people. All because he switched off the lights. I will say, he was nice enough to give him his snacks and stuff, but still.

I helped Sun pass out snacks and made sure that all the kids got the right snack and anything else they needed. For the most part, it all went fairly well aside from one kid that had an allergic reaction to her food and had to be rushed to the hospital, but otherwise, everything was perfectly fine.

Unfortunately, when it was time for the kids to go, there were some issues.

Specifically with the kid that Sun threw out.

As I was standing in the daycare lobby making sure all the kids got out safely, a woman approched me.

"Excuse me, I'd like to speak with you about an issue," she said snappily.

Great. A karen.

"What issue?" I asked. The lady gestured to her son, who I immediately recognized as the kid Sun threw out.

"I was called here because my son was quite literally thrown out of the daycare, and he has a few bruises, so I'm tempted to sue if I don't get an apology," the lady said.

"Oh, well I'm sorry he got thrown out," I said, hoping she would go away. Unfortunately, she wasn't satisfied.

"The front desk man said that...thing...was dangling my son by his arm from a dangerous height and threw him on the floor, so I want it to apologize to us," she specified. I nodded. I clearly remembered Sun grabbing the kid and tossing him out the door like a sack of flour.

"I'll go get him for you," I said.

However, when I went back inside the daycare to find Sun, it was dark. When I tried to flip the lights back on, a hand grabbed mine and I was met by Moon, and he looked pretty upset.

"Trying to get rid of me so soon? What about our deal?" he rasped. "Seen as how you tried to attack a kid today, you've already failed to keep your end of it. Either way, I need Sun right now. There's an issue, and-" "An issue? What kind of issue?"

"There's some lady and a kid that Sun threw out-" "Ah, yes. The rule-breaker. I'm sure I can help with that brat. Take me to them," Moon commanded.

I was about to protest, but Moon was pretty set on handling the situation, so I led him out to where the kid and his mom were.

706 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now