25: Hotel of Hell (no hazbin)

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Y/N's pov:

I got up at 4 in the morning. 4 in the fucking morning. I didn't even have to get up this early for my old job. If I have to get up this early every day, I am NOT going to be giving out quality customer service.

I took a freezing shower to wake myself up, got some coffee, and ate what little bit of food I had available. I wasn't too hungry, to be honest. After I made sure I looked alright, I headed out of the house. Luckily, the hotel wasn't too far from my house. It was farther away than the pizzaplex was, but it was only a twenty-minute drive, fifteen if I was speeding.

I made it to the hotel at 4:50, not too long before I was told to be there. I entered through the doors and was met by an eccentric Janet, who grabbed me by the hands and squealed.

"Oh my goodness! You actually came! Thank you for showing up! You even came early!" she rambled excitedly. "Most of the other applicants we've had didn't even show up," she said, guiding me into a room behind the desk. "You've been the first to ever come this early on your first day!" I nodded, still sleepy. Besides, I didn't have the heart to tell Janet I was just in desperate need of income.

"Here's your uniform! I was able to find just your size in the laundry room," Janet said, handing me a folded uniform. I took it and inspected it a bit, slightly unfolding it and folding it back again. "So, you applied for the room service job, which means you'll just be getting supplies for our residents. Towels, blankets, soap, food, and so on,"

"Don't worry, we have enough people in room service so that you won't be responsible for a whole floor by yourself," Janet reassured me. "Here's your keys! One of those is a master key for all the rooms on Floor 3, another is for the storage closet, and the last one is to lock and unlock the employee entrance,"

Janet continued giving me instruction and guidance as she showed me where I would be working, where the staff rooms were, and a whole list of other things. By the time she was done, it was 7 am, which is when breakfast was normally available to everyone. According to Janet, there was a special breakfast for the employees available from 6 am to 9 am. But we were also allowed to eat the food in the dining area for the guests.

"I'll let you eat some breakfast and get ready. I'll have someone come and show you what to do at 7:45," Janet said. "Okay," I said as I watched her return to her post at the front desk. I made my way to the employee lounge, where there was a bar, several dining tables and chairs, bathrooms, and a couch. It was almost like a mini apartment, except it didn't have any living spaces. There weren't many other employees, but Janet had said they were understaffed lately.

There was food laid out across the bar, and as I sauntered over, several people began to stare. "I'm sorry, but this is employees only, sweetheart," one of the employees gently tried to escort me out. "I work here," I said. The employee eyed me skeptically. "Oh, you must be the new hire," she said. "Just make sure to change into your uniform before you do anything else," she rolled her eyes and walked away. "Ugh. I hate newbies," I heard her mutter.

I sighed to myself and grabbed some breakfast, sitting at the table by a group of employees, who were having a lively conversation with each other. Almost as soon as I sat down, they got up and left.

I don't know if they all had a shift that started right now, or if they left because they didn't want to be near me, but a part of me didn't care. After my interaction with that one girl, I didn't plan on making any friends here. I ate my breakfast and left as soon as I finished, heading to the bathroom to change into my new uniform.

I won't lie, my uniform wasn't great, but it could be a lot worse. It was just a white shirt that said "Brass Veil Hotel" in fancy gold cursive in the top corner, and the pants were black. It was pretty boring. Then again, I wasn't working in a daycare anymore, so things weren't as cartoonish or playful.

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now