4: Rise and Shine

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Y/N's pov:

I blinked a couple times due to the sudden change in brightness, and before me stood Sun, who looked confused and scared.

He took his hands off of my neck and stepped back a bit. "Y/N? What happened? And why was I holding your neck?" I stared at him for a moment as I processed what happened. One minute, I was being choked to death by some creepy animatronic guy, and the next I was greeted by the happy and cheerful Sun.

"Was that...you?" I asked. Sun cocked his head to the side. "Was what me?" he asked. "That...thing. When the lights were off,"

As soon as I said that, Sun's face completely changed.

His rays shrunk back into his head a bit, and he had a terrified look on his face. "THE...THE LIGHTS WERE OFF? WHILE YOU WERE HERE?!" he screamed. "No, no, no, no, this is bad, very bad...oh dear..." he started wandering around in one spot, worrying to himself. "Sun? What's going on?" I asked as I neared him. "When the lights are off, it's his turn to come out, and he's very dangerous to humans," Sun said as he glanced at me nervously. I looked at him. "Who's he?" I asked.

Sun hesitated before responding. "Moon," he finally said. "He used to do naptime with the kids, but something went terribly wrong one day, and he hasn't been allowed out with them since then," Sun then stared at me for a moment, seeming to focus on something before going into a state of panic again. "NO! Y/N! YOU'RE HURT! YOU'RE BLEEDING!"

I put my hand to my neck and when I took it away, I had blood on my fingers. That Moon guy must've really cut me with his claws.

Sun gently rushed me over to the security desk, where he sat me down and pulled out a first-aid kit, grabbing bandages, rubbing alcohol, and some cotton swabs. "I knew I shouldn't have allowed you to stay here after your shift. From now on, don't stay here too long after your shift, friend. I don't want you getting hurt again," Sun commanded. "But-" "Please, Y/N. I don't want anything bad to happen to you," he added as he gently wrapped the bandages around my neck. I quietly nodded, agreeing to leave after my shift. "Great! I know I'll be sad to see you go so soon, but it's for the best," Sun said as he patted my head.

"Yeah..." I replied solemnly.

After Sun made sure my bandages were secure and that I was alright, he sent me off to my room for the day. "Bye, sunshine! See you tomorrow!" he called back to me as I left the daycare.

On my way back to my room, I got lost in my thoughts. Sun had been pretty clear about how dangerous Moon was, as well as his concerns for my safety. I'm tempted to stay anyways just for the sake of socialization, but Sun might not be too happy that I disobeyed his wishes, and I could potentially get hurt again.

Fuck it. I'm gonna try and get Sun to allow me to stay after my shift so we can figure out how to solve this Moon problem.

It'll have to wait until tomorrow, though. Those kids really took it out of me.

Once I was inside my room, I shut the door and plopped onto my bed to take a short nap.

565 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now