9: Management

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Slight T/W: Touching without consent, creepy behavior

Y/N's pov:

When I brought Moon out to the lobby, the kid played in the corner with some toys while his mom sat in one of the sofa chairs while she waited. When she saw me, she stood up.

"Finally. It took you long enough," she complained as she grabbed her purse. "Now you apologize to me and my son, you freak," she ordered.

I didn't appreciate how she talked to and about Sun/Moon, but it had to be done.

I looked back up, expecting to see Moon, but Sun was there instead.

I forgot the lights brought him back.

However, his eyes were red instead of blue, and he was whispering to himself. "Uh, Sun?" I said, tapping his arm. He glanced down at me and then directed his attention to the woman.

"Well? I'm waiting, you piece of metal! Are you going to apologize, or do I need to call your manager and have you decommissioned?" the woman threatened.

Sun didn't respond to her immediately but turned to me instead. "Y/N, get started on cleaning the daycare. I'll help you in a moment," Moon said as his voice intertwined with Sun's.

I nodded and quickly retreated to the daycare.

I couldn't hear much of what was happening, but my current task was to clean up the daycare. I started by searching for stray toys left outside their boxes and crates, returning them to their places for tomorrow.

I hadn't even picked up three toys before the doors opened and Sun walked back into the room.

Sun's pov:

As soon as I came back to the daycare, Y/N put down some toys and ran over to me.

"Did everything go okay? The lady didn't sue, did she?" she asked. I shook my head with a smile. "Nope! They shouldn't be a problem now. I banned them from the pizzaplex!" I said. "You mean we banned them from the pizzaplex," Moon corrected me. "Whatever helps you sleep at night," I muttered.

"Well that's good," Y/N said. "Anyways, we should probably start cleaning the daycare. It's pretty messy," she added. "Of course, Sunshine! Just give me a minute," With that, I hopped up to my tower before Y/N could say anything.

I needed to clean the blood off my hands before Y/N found out.

~Time Skip~

Y/N's pov:

Sun and I finished cleaning the daycare in a decent amount of time, considering he left for at least 20 minutes.

"All done! What should we do now, friend?" he asked as he hopped from one foot to the other. "Well, I have to go to the manager's office to apply for the night shift. Since it was a part of our deal and all," I said. Sun's rays shrunk back in his head a bit. "But the manager's office is really far from here," he said. "You'll be gone for so long, and it'll get lonely here without you..."

I smiled to myself a bit. It felt nice knowing I would be missed, even though it would only be for a short amount of time.

"Don't worry, Sun. Unless something else comes up, I'll be back," I said. "Promise?" Sun asked. "Promise," I replied.

As I exited the daycare, I could feel Sun's eyes on me until I was out of sight.

While I was walking through the lobby, Link stopped me. "Hey Y/N, you got a minute?" he said. "Sure," I made my way over to the check-in desk. "What's up?" "So, Carl wanted me to tell you that he needs to see you in his office after work," Link said.

I felt panic rise in my body.

"What did I do?" I asked. "I don't think you did anything. He didn't tell me why he wanted to see you, though," Link replied. I nodded. Hopefully, I wasn't getting fired this soon. "Where's his office?" I asked. "It's at the front of the pizzaplex," Link said. "Oh, perfect. I was heading there anyways," I said. "Alright, see ya, Y/N!"

As I was heading down to the front of the building, I felt like I was being watched.

I looked behind me to see if anyone was there, but all I saw were S.T.A.F.F. bots wheeling around from one place to another.

Soon, I was at the management office, and I was about to knock on the door when I felt a presence behind me.

I looked over my shoulder, and I saw Carl standing behind me reaching his hand toward me. He immediately retracted it when I looked at him. "Ah, Y/N. Just the person I was looking for," he said. "I would like to speak with you in my office," Carl opened the door and allowed me to step inside first, closing the door once he entered.

He led me to what I assumed was his office, once again allowing me to enter first. He then sat down in his chair and took a sip of some sort of drink.

"Have a seat, dearest," he said. I quietly obeyed. I found it strange that he called me "dearest", though. His eyes never left me, causing me to feel even more on edge. Carl continued to stare for at least half a minute, so I decided to speak.

"So...is there any particular reason you wanted to see me?" I asked nervously. I could feel every single hair on my neck and arms, and my hands began to feel sweaty. Carl nodded. "Yes, I wanted to speak with you about the incident with that child," he said.

My heart sank as I recalled the events of that day.

I prepared to hand over my nametag, keys, and everything else the company had given me when Carl spoke again.

"I would like to personally thank you- and if you could give Sun my thanks as well, that would be great- for banning that child and his mother from the pizzaplex," he said. "They have been a nuisance to us for far too long, and we're finally rid of them," I stared in disbelief as I soaked up everything he had said.

"Uh, yeah. I'll tell Sun you said thanks," I said. Carl smiled, which immediately gave me chills. "Good," he said. "And while I'm still here, I was wondering if I could work the night shift in the daycare-" "Of course you can, darling. Anything you want," Carl cut me off. "Just be aware that when the lights are off, Moon comes out. He's much more hostile than Sun," he warned me.

Of course, I already knew this, but I wasn't going to say anything.

"If you get severely hurt by the animatronics you're working with, the pizzaplex will pay for your hospital bills and treatment, so you don't have to worry," Carl continued. "Okay, that sounds good," I agreed. "Is there anything else you need from me, Y/N?" Carl asked. "No, that's all I needed, thanks," I told him. I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist.

"Just one more thing, Y/N," he said. "I need to hold a conference with you sometime this week. What would be a good time for us to meet?" he asked. "Uh, Thursday should be good," I said nervously. Carl gave the most devious and unsettling chuckle I've ever heard in my life.

"Well, then. Thursday it is, Y/N. Have a nice day, sweetheart," he finally let go of my wrist.

"Y-you too..." I stuttered. I could feel his eyes on me as I left.

1205 Words

A Comforting Character | Sun/Moon x Fem Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now