chapter 30: my Valkyrie misses me 🍋

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As I stepped through the door and into our home, I was met with a sight that immediately brought a smile to my face. There stood my girlfriend, Rossweisse, wearing nothing but an apron, her cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink as she looked up at me with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

 There stood my girlfriend, Rossweisse, wearing nothing but an apron, her cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink as she looked up at me with a mixture of excitement and anticipation

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I am proud to stay this art belongs to me

"Issei!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth and affection as she rushed forward to envelop me in a tight embrace.

Rossweisse:I missed you so much.

I returned her embrace eagerly, holding her close as I felt a surge of love and tenderness wash over me. It had been too long since we had been together, and the sight of her standing before me, her eyes shining with tears of happiness, only served to reinforce the depth of our bond.

Issei:o missed you too, Rossweisse

I murmured softly, pressing a gentle kiss against her forehead as I savored the feel of her in my arms.

Issei:More than you could ever know.

Rossweisse smiled up at me, her eyes sparkling with emotion as she leaned into my touch.

Rossweisse:I'm sorry for being so clingy

she admitted, her voice tinged with self-consciousness.

Rossweisse:I just... I can't help it. I love you so much, Issei."l

I brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, cupping her cheek tenderly as I gazed into her eyes with all the love and adoration I felt for her.

Issei:You don't ever have to apologize for that

I assured her, my voice filled with sincerity.

Issei:I love you too, Rossweisse. More than words can express.

We stood there for a moment, lost in each other's embrace, the world outside fading away as we reveled in the simple joy of being together. And as we held each other close, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we had each other, we could overcome anything that came our way.

With a contented sigh, I pressed another kiss to Rossweisse's lips, savoring the sweetness of our connection as we embraced the warmth and comfort of home. And in that moment, surrounded by love and happiness, I knew that I was exactly where I belonged.

As Rossweisse continued to shower me with kisses, her eagerness palpable in every touch, I couldn't help but grin in response. It was clear that she had missed me just as much as I had missed her, and the intensity of her affection only served to deepen the warmth in my heart.

Issei:Someone missed me so much, huh?

I teased, my voice laced with playful amusement as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close against me. Despite the teasing tone, there was a genuine fondness in my words, a reflection of the deep love and affection I felt for her.

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