chapter 12: a trip to Kyoto part 1

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Issei: Alright, guys, I can't believe we're finally going on that excursion to Kyoto! I've always wanted to visit the historic temples and try out the local cuisine.

Irina: You're right, Issei. Kyoto is known for its beautiful shrines and traditional culture. I can't wait to explore the city maybe we can have our own private date there

Issei: of course

Kiba: And don't forget about the martial arts dojos. I've heard there are some legendary swordsmen there. It would be cool to learn from them.

Mordred: Swords, huh? Well, I'll make sure to keep an eye out for any worthy challengers. No one can defeat the Knight of Treachery!

Issei: we'll see

He smirked

Modred: what did you say?

Issei: the grass looks beautiful today.

The rest laughed

Gasper: Um, guys, I'm excited too, but I hope we won't run into any dangerous situations. You know how things can get when we're involved.

Issei: Don't worry, Gasper. I promise to keep you safe. And speaking of which, Mordred, try to tone down the aggressive attitude, okay? We're here for a peaceful excursion

Modred: whatever

She snorted

Irina: Issei's right. Let's make this a memorable and harmonious trip. Kyoto is a place to appreciate art and history, not to pick fights.

Kiba: Agreed. Let's focus on enjoying the beautiful scenery and taking in the culture. And maybe we can find some amazing local dishes to try.

Mordred: Alright, alright, I'll behave... for now. But if anyone challenges me, they're in for a surprise!

Gasper: Please, Mordred, let's keep things calm. I don't want to end up having to use my Sacred Gear. It always causes more trouble than it's worth.

Issei: Gasper's right, guys. Let's keep the excitement within reasonable bounds. We want this excursion to be unforgettable for all the right reasons.

Irina: Absolutely. Kyoto has so much to offer, and I can't wait to experience it all with all of you.

Kiba: It's a chance to create lasting memories. Let's make the most of it and enjoy our time in this incredible city.

Modred: issei let's talk privately

Issei:mhhhhm okay

Mordred: (In a serious tone) Issei, we need to discuss our mission as members of the Loyal Guardians of Eternity. Our goal in Kyoto is to establish diplomatic ties with the Yokai faction. It's a crucial task, and we can't afford any mistakes.

Issei: (Nods with a solemn expression) I understand, Mordred. This mission is of utmost importance. The balance between the human and supernatural worlds hangs in the balance, and we have a responsibility to ensure peace.

Mordred: The Yokai faction is known for their deep-rooted traditions and sometimes, their skepticism towards humans. We must approach this with caution and respect, showing that we genuinely seek peaceful cooperation.

Issei: Absolutely, Mordred. We'll need to learn about their culture and customs, so we don't inadvertently offend them. Building trust is key to forming a successful alliance. And plus I've always wanted to see other yokais

Mordred:  Trust is earned through actions, not just words. We must demonstrate our sincerity by assisting them in a way that benefits both our factions. Our powers and resources could be invaluable to them.

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