chapter 11: oh my Modred

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**Heavenly Faction:**

Michael: This battle between Issei and Mordred is truly remarkable. The unity of the Loyal Guardians of Eternity is impressive. We must ensure that our own forces are ready to respond to any potential threats that would occur after this

Gabriel: Indeed, Michael. It's a testament to the strength of the Guardians. We should consider closer cooperation with them in the future.

**Underworld Faction:**

Sirzechs:: issei has become a true force to be reckoned with it's a shame he no longer has any link towards devils anymore,

Ajuka: you're right on that but all I hope is that an event doesn't lead  issei to have clash with the devil race especially with the backing of the guardians

The other devil Kings nodded

**Dragon Faction:**

Fafnir:: *observing with interest* "The Red Dragon Emperor's power is a force to be reckoned with. Our fellow dragons should be made aware of this development."

Yu long: I heard that he was trained by Tannin a few weeks by

Fafnir: wow I'm impressed infact the entire dragon race Should be impressed he's already on par with us dragon Kings infact even slightly stronger if you were to add other factors

**Youkai Faction:**

Tengu Leader:  battle is extraordinary. The Guardians are not to be underestimated. We should maintain peaceful relations with them isn't  that right yasaka

**Yasaka, Leader of the Youkai Faction:**

Yasaka watches the broadcast with a thoughtful expression

Yasaka:The power and unity of the Loyal Guardians of Eternity are undeniable, and they are making their presence known in both the supernatural and human worlds and too my surprise they even have the red dragon emperor Among them

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Yasaka:The power and unity of the Loyal Guardians of Eternity are undeniable, and they are making their presence known in both the supernatural and human worlds and too my surprise they even have the red dragon emperor Among them

Kappa leader: do you perceive it as a threat lady yasaka

Yasaka: However, I don't see this as a threat. Instead, it presents an opportunity for peaceful coexistence and cooperation

Youkai Council Member: Yasaka, you have always been a proponent of peaceful relations. Do you think we should reach out to the Guardians for potential collaboration?

Yasaka: yes, I do. We should consider the benefits of diplomacy and alliance. It's in our best interest to ensure harmony in both realms. Let us not view their strength as a challenge, but as a bridge to understanding and cooperation especially the red dragon emperor

She basically whispered the last part

I guess she wants his red Dragonballs

**Hero Faction (Including Cao Cao, Heracles, Jeanne d'Arc, and Siegfried):**

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