chapter 10: loyal guardians of eternity part 2

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it was essential to discuss Issei's duties as an SS-Rank Guardian.

She guided Issei to a more private corner of the headquarters, her expression carrying a sense of gravity.

Elizabeth: issei, as an SS-Rank Guardian, your role is pivotal. You've ascended to a level of great responsibility. Your duties encompass several key areas.

Issei nodded attentively, fully aware of the significance of his new rank.

Issei:I'm ready to fulfill those duties to the best of my abilities, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth began to elaborate on his responsibilities.

Elizabeth:First and foremost, your primary duty is to lead and oversee missions of the highest importance. You'll be responsible for making critical decisions, ensuring the safety of our members, and facing the most formidable supernatural threats.

She continued,

Elizabeth:You'll also play a role in strategic planning, helping us adapt to ever-evolving challenges. Your insights and leadership will be invaluable in maintaining the balance between the dimensions.

Elizabeth then touched upon Issei's role as a mentor.

Elizabeth:You have the opportunity to mentor and guide other Guardians, passing on your knowledge and experience. It's part of our commitment to nurturing the next generation of protectors.

Issei: I'm not sure I'm going to be good at mentoring I just joined I guess

He said scratching the back of his head

Elizabeth: don't worry about that until you've had enough experience that's when you could be part of the mentorship programs

She concluded,

Elizabeth:Finally, you'll be a diplomat and a representative of our organization in certain situations, engaging in negotiations with other supernatural factions. Your diplomatic skills are vital in fostering cooperation and peace.

Issei:" what the hell,I don't know anything about being a diplomat maybe I'll ask Rossy to teach me "

Ddraig:" as a dragon emperor it does make sense for you to have diplomatic skills "

Issei:" your definitely not helping "

Issei absorbed the weight of his duties, his determination to fulfill them unwavering.

Issei:i understand the importance of these responsibilities, and I'll do my best to carry them out with honor and dedication.

Elizabeth smiled warmly, her confidence in Issei evident.

Elizabeth: I have no doubt that you will, Issei. You've come a long way, and we have every confidence in your abilities as an SS-Rank Guardian.

Issei:"am I really that special she has so much confidence in me "

Ddraig:" of course she acts like that issei be confident in yourself you are the red dragon emperor be proud and always be proud of that "

Elizabeth: c'mon let's go meet someone I would like to introduce you to

Elizabeth led Issei through the opulent corridors of the Loyal Guardians of Eternity headquarters, her demeanor radiant and excited. As they approached an elaborately decorated room, Elizabeth turned to Issei with a smile.


she said,

Elizabeth: I'd like to introduce you to someone very special. This is Mordred, and a  divine spirit from my father. She's an extraordinary addition to our Guardians she's also an SS ranker like you

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