chapter 18: killing two birds with one rod🍋

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Issei stood in the backyard of his house, the early morning sun casting a warm glow. He clutched his sacred gear, Ascalon, in his hand, determined to put Tanjiro's advice into practice.

Issei: (to himself) Alright, let's see if I can make this work. Controlled breathing, just like Tanjiro said.

Issei closed his eyes, focusing on his breathing. He took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly, feeling the energy coursing through his body. With each breath, he synchronized his breathing with the release of power from Ascalon.

Issei: (concentrating) Inhale... exhale... feel the energy. This is challenging, but I've faced tougher foes.

As he continued to practice, Issei noticed a subtle change. The energy flowing through him seemed more stable, and the connection with Ascalon felt stronger. It was as if his sword responded to his controlled breathing.

Issei: (determined) It's working. I can feel the difference. Thanks, Tanjiro, for the advice.

Issei continued his training, performing various sword techniques while maintaining his controlled breathing. With each strike, he could sense an increase in his power and precision.

Issei: (improving) This is amazing. It's like my attacks have become more focused and efficient.

Ascalon, the powerful holy sword, seemed to hum with approval, and Issei could almost feel a connection with the sacred gear that went beyond what he had experienced before.

Issei: (smiling) Ascalon, it's like we're becoming one, working in harmony.

The morning sun had risen higher in the sky by the time Issei finished his training. He was both physically and mentally exhausted but satisfied with the progress he had made.

Issei: (catching his breath) That was intense, but I can see the potential in this. I'll keep practicing and refining these techniques. The more I learn, the stronger I become.

Issei sheathed Ascalon and headed back inside, determined to continue his training and explore the new possibilities unlocked by his collaboration with Tanjiro. The exchange of knowledge between their worlds had opened up new horizons for him as the Red Dragon Emperor.

Issei: (pausing as he sheathes Ascalon) Ddraig, what do you think of the new techniques I've been working on? Do you sense any improvements?

Ddraig, the Red Dragon Emperor's consciousness within the sacred gear, responded with a deep and thoughtful voice.

Ddraig: (encouraging) Issei, I've been observing your training, and I must say I'm impressed. You've embraced this controlled breathing concept, and it's adding a new dimension to your abilities.

Issei: (grinning) Thanks, Ddraig. It's all thanks to the advice I got from Tanjiro. I've been able to enhance my power and precision by syncing my breathing with Ascalon.

Ddraig: (approving) Syncing your breath with your sacred gear is a profound way to harness your true potential. It can lead to a stronger connection between you and Ascalon, making your attacks more efficient and powerful.

Issei: (curious) Do you have any advice or insights on how I can further improve this technique, Ddraig?

Ddraig: (thoughtful) Well, Issei, remember that it's not just about syncing your breath but also your intent and focus. Try to visualize your desired outcome with each strike and channel that intent through your sword.

Issei: (nodding) Visualization, intent, and focus. I'll keep that in mind. It makes sense to put my heart and soul into each strike.

Ddraig: (encouraging) That's the spirit. And don't forget, this is an evolving process. Continue to train and refine your skills. You've already demonstrated your adaptability and growth as the Red Dragon Emperor.

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