chapter 8: reunion

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Issei's visit with his parents was a moment of warmth and connection, and though he had changed significantly, he couldn't bring himself to reveal the truth about the supernatural world and the battles he was engaged in. Instead, he focused on sharing his experiences up to the point that he had left home for his training.

Issei: Mom, Dad, I've been through a lot during my training, and I've made some amazing friends. It's been a journey of self-discovery.

Dad: wow issei you look really good something is different about you and wow your muscles have grown

His mother, sensing there was more to the story, asked with a curious smile,

Mom:Issei, is there something you're not telling us?

Issei hesitated, knowing that the truth about the supernatural world, devils, angels, and the battles he had fought might be too much for them to handle.

Issei: there are some things I can't talk about yet. I promise I'll share more when the time is right.

His father, understanding the seriousness in Issei's tone, nodded and said,

dad:We trust you, Issei. We know you'll do what's right.

Their unwavering trust brought a sense of relief to Issei. He knew that his parents' love and support were constants in his life, and that when the time was right, he would share his secret with them.

Issei: Thank you, Mom, Dad. I'll make you proud, I promise.

Mom: you've already made us proud, Issei. We love you, and we'll always be here for you.

As he left his family home, Issei knew that the truth about the supernatural world would have to wait for another day. But with his parents' love and support, he felt a renewed determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead and protect both his family and the world he cared for so deeply.

As Issei returned to school, he couldn't help but notice the envious glances from some of the guys and the blushes from the girls. His training had not only enhanced his dragon powers but also his overall appearance, making him even more handsome and charismatic.

After his visit with his parents, Issei decided to reconnect with his old friends, Matsuda and Motohama. He missed the camaraderie they shared, and he knew they would have plenty to catch up on.

Issei found them hanging out at their usual spot, a popular cafe in town. He couldn't help but smile as he approached them.

Matsuda: Hey, isn't that Issei? Long time no see!

Motohama: Issei, man, you look different. Bro you're hair and dude Did you hit the gym or something?

Issei chuckled and took a seat with his friends, ready to share his experiences.

Issei: Guys, you won't believe what I've been up to. I've been on this incredible journey, training and fighting alongside some extraordinary people.

Matsuda and Motohama exchanged curious glances, clearly intrigued by Issei's mysterious adventures.

Matsuda: Come on, Issei, don't keep us in suspense. What kind of journey are we talking about here?

Issei: It's a bit...complicated. But I promise I'll tell you everything when I can. Just know that I've changed, and I'm ready to face whatever life throws at me.

Motohama: You've always been a bit of a mystery, Issei, but we trust you. If you're ready to take on the world, we've got your back.

Issei felt a deep sense of appreciation for his friends' unwavering support. Their willingness to stand by him, even in the face of the unknown, reinforced the importance of the bonds they shared.

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