chapter 13: trip to Kyoto part 2

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Ahri: sister what happened why are you fighting with these people

Kunou:  ever since mother went missing I followed her scent here, but then I thought these people had kidnapped her. I was worried sick.

She sighed softly

Ahri: i understand your fear, Kunou, but jumping to conclusions doesn't help. Accusations can create misunderstandings.

Kunou:  I'm sorry, sister. I should have been more patient and communicated with you first.

Ahri:it's alright, Kunou. We'll find a way to resolve this. But we must work together and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Ahri Approached  Issei, her eyes sharp

Ahri: You. I need to know who you are and what your true intentions are here in Kyoto. You seem to have a strong presence and powers I can't ignore.

Issei: I understand your concern. My name is Issei Hyoudou, theand I'm a member of the Loyal Guardians of Eternity. We're here on a diplomatic mission to establish ties with the Yokai faction and maintain the peace between our worlds.

He said showcasing the badge same with modred

Modred: so you and your people should stop being so hostile jeez

Issei: sorry she's normally like that just ignore her

Ahri gazed at the badge before using her magic to scan it

Ahri: It's really genuine

Ahri:  Issei, now that we have a better understanding of your role, I must say it's a pleasure to have you here as a diplomat.

Issei: thank you, Ahri. I appreciate your understanding. We're here with a genuine desire to build bridges between our worlds

She nodded before turning to her sister

Ahri: Kunou, your impulsiveness nearly led to a disastrous conflict. You should know better than to make baseless accusations.

She said in a slightly stern tone
Kunou: (Apologetic) I'm sorry, sister. I was just so worried about you, and I acted without thinking.

Ahri: (Softening) I understand your concern, but we must be patient and seek peaceful solutions. You're a Yokai princess, and your actions reflect on our people.

Kunou:  You're right, sister. I won't let my emotions cloud my judgment again. I'll learn from this experience.

Ahri:  That's what I want to hear. We have a mission to focus on, finding our mother. Let's work with Issei and his team to achieve our goals peacefully and with diplomacy.

She then turned to issei

Ahri:I appreciate your understanding, Issei and your team. We have much to discuss, and it's important that we address certain issues related to what happened here. Let's meet later to go over everything and ensure we're on the same page.

She said with a friendly tone

Issei: That sounds like a good plan, Ahri. We want to make sure this mission is a success, and open communication is key.

The yokais disappeared in a flash of flames


Kiba: I wonder what would have happened if Ahri wasn't there

Irina: I know right

Gasper: but who is she anyways

We all gathered in a room basically built for your gathering with azazel and rossweisse

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