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I was shivering badly, the temperature is so cold and am only dressed in a flimsy dress.

I turned left...right..back and front but nothing looked familiar, only the pitch darkness greeted me.

Fear took over my whole body when the cracking of bones filled the eery night followed by bone chilling growl.

I took off in the opposite direction running blindly just to avoid whatever that was, i heard the growl again and a loud scream left my throat, i looked back a bit, an attempt to see if i can find what's chasing me but the darkness was too thick, i turned my head front again only to bump my head hard on a tree branch that grew out.

I fell to the ground with a throbbing head but that was the least of my concerns, i swiftly turned back to come face to face with the red fiery orbs.

The huge creature growled loudly in my face, i was a shivering mess by now, it opened its mouth revealing two sharp canines that were stained with blood....

I screamed and jolted out of bed frantically looking around before relaxing when i noticed i was in my room, my heart was still pounding loud.

I went to the bathroom shoving the nightmare to the back of my head and preparing for the day. I got out of the bathroom fully dressed to meet my room scattered like somebody ransacked the whole place.

"Am gonna find what your hiding and when i do....your gonna wish for death" allen sneered in my face flashing her green eyes.

My blood ran cold and dread instantly filled me, she walked out of my room but not without casting me a bone chilling glare, immediately she left it felt as if the temperature in the room dropped drastically, i could already feel it today is gonna be rough.

I released a breath i never knew i was holding walking further into the room at the same time avoiding my things that were scattered on the floor.

I peeped out the door to make sure no one was there before rushing to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

My mind drifted to Lucian and my body visibly calmed down, he has been like a calming pill whenever i am about to go into panic mode.

The feature i love most in him is those grey orbs, they always held some sort of admiration in them which made me feel warm and seen.

I placed their tea in a tray wondering how things would have been if i hadn't fainted that day.

"Why the hell.....fuck arghhh" and i immediately snapped out of my thoughts.

Allen was glaring fiercely at me, it was then i noticed my grave mistake, while i was been occupied in my head, i crashed into Allen spilling all the hot tea on her.

I wasn't bothered about her skin where the coffee spilt since it was clearly healing, i was more bothered of what she would do or more like what they would do since avery and sally now stood behind her.

"A..a..m. S..s...orry" i managed to stutter out but that seemed to enrage her more.

"How dare you" her palm collided with my cheek causing the tray to fall, the distinct sound of glass scattering echoed past the ringing in my head.

"Fucking bitch" someone pushed my backward causing me to fall, i could feel the stings from the broken glass i landed on. I winced moving far away from their sinister forms.

"'re going no where " allen said before grabbing a handful of my hair and yanking me forward.

I yelped trying to free her hands from her tight grip on my hair.

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