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Lucian's Pov

Fuck!, fuck!, fuck! , i scattered all the files on my desk getting irritated with each passing seconds, i glared at the wall feeling the burning gaze of my beta.

"Calm down" he spoke getting annoyed but i could sense the concern underneath his tone.

"How the hell should i calm, its been two fucking weeks!" I yelled clenching my hands tightly.

Fuck, i can't even think well, its been two weeks since the feast, two goddamned weeks of finding my mate crystal, its like she never walked this earth, no trace, nothing! and it doesn't help that i only know her first name, i mean...there has to be something.

"Are you sure you checked the list well" i asked for god knows how many times now.

"Yes, i went through every thorough detail and the result is blank even the security footage showed she came alone through the front door" he answered and i swear am going mad.

We did a thorough background check of every body on the list where they documented their name at the gate and there was no record and through out the feast she didn't interact with anybody who i could question, she was always at the farthest corner watching everybody.

"There's something fishy here" rex said and i could not disagree further. i had explained to him our encounter, both the one in my art room and the garden and i even told him that she was human but he countered that and said its possible that she masked her scent which was believable and i can't ask the guards that were stationed at the gate during the time of the feast because plenty people entered the estate that night so they can't possibly remember one face out of hundreds.

"You need to get a grip of yourself, we would find her, its just a matter of time...... your beginning to act like a girl on her goddamned period" i glared at him while he grinned probably finding my situation funny.

"fuck you" i intensified my glare which only seemed to amuse him further since he laughed loud and left leaving me to my thoughts which didn't last long.

I could hear distance voices arguing but couldn't make out who.

"can't i have peace in this house anymore" i thought more to myself.

"I tried my best" rex mind linked me leaving me confused until my doors swung open, damn i pity those hinges, Nina stood there while i glared hardly at her, i was already in a pissy mood and her presence will only make matters worse.

I could see her earlier confidence fade as i stared her down daring her to speak rubbish.

"You know questions are popping up everywhere" she said and i know damn well what shes talking about but who am i to care, i shot her a look that says 'so'.

I could tell she was getting frustrated and annoyed but she wouldn't dare show it.

She sighed and sat on one of the chairs opposite my desk, but my glare didn't lessen infact it intensified because i know that whatever would be coming out of her mouth would only piss me off further.

"Okay fine!....what did i do?'ve been behaving weird lately" she said throwing her hands dramatically and i fought the urge to laugh at her choice of word, she calls me avoiding her weird.

"You know what Nina....let's have this whole conversation some other time" i massaged my forehead feeling an incoming headache.

"What!, NO!...." She yelled abruptly standing up and i gritted my teeth feeling my anger return with full force.

"Sorry...didn't mean to snap like that, i've just been stressed with you avoiding me" she apologized but her tone was anything but sincere.

"Get out" i said in a calm voice but she stood there staring at me with shock.

"For crying out your fiancee, if something is going on, you can tell me instead of pushing me away"

"I said...GET OUT" i yelled this time around letting my wolf take control for a bit, even Ash my wolf never liked Nina, he was keen on the idea of waiting for our mate.

"We aren't done with this conversation" she smirked and walked out, swaying her hips in the process. I sighed deeply as all my emotions were disorganized and it only pissed me off further.

I've never been this way before, i am the Alpha of the most feared pack in the country and i've never been one to not be able to control every situation but god damnit, this situation about my mate is getting me confused and i haven't even told my father cause how would i explain that i can't find her anywhere.


I was dressed in my usual outfit for work while i stood in my private elevator going to the top floor where my office is.

My PA who is also Rex complained that some shareholders are throwing a tantrum about the fact that i've not been to the office for the past three weeks.

Rex has been the one presiding over all the meetings and any relevant file that needs my attention is being emailed to me, but they refused to continue with today's meeting except my presence is there and right now my anger level has risen top notch.

When i stepped into the office all eyes were down and i couldn't have it any other way, three weeks and still no sign of my mate, my wolf is on the verge of tearing down anything that comes in his path.

I stepped out of the elevator and headed straight to the conference room where the meeting was being held, i could hear their voices which was filled with annoyance and i knew Rex is at the receiving end of it.

I swung the door opened and casually strolled in enjoying the terrified looks on their faces and their increased heartbeat, they probably didn't expect me to come. I took my seat at the head of the table not missing the grin on my beta and PA face.

"Now the fun begins" he mindlinked me and he was damn right.

"Let's not beat around the bush.....who are those who demanded my presence" i asked in a deadly calm voice and the room went pin drop silent. It was an amusing sight to see all their courage go down the drain.

"We did" stanley, a gruff looking human spoke up, sure it had to be the humans to speak since no wolf here would dare to demand the presence of their Alpha.

A sinister smile crept on my face and i could see the fear he tried so much to mask.

"Speak for yourself" Rex spoke up also enjoying this show of heroism.

"Uhm...erh..." He looked to the men beside him to receive some sort of assurance but they all seemed to be busy at that moment, either looking at the files in front of them or finding their phone interesting.

Fucking pussies.

"I did" he muttered but i wasn't having that.

"A bit louder....i didn't hear you" his forehead shined with sweat and i could hear his heart beating at a fast rate, so much for being a hero.

"I said...I..i did" he gulped rubbing his sweaty hands on his pants.

" afraid, your services are no longer needed and am sure you do know the way out" i spoke casually earning a few gasp and some of their faces were neutral, like they expected it.

" c..cannot just fire me like that" he screeched looking around for help but like before they were all focused on the file in their front avoiding his stare.

"Whoever is against this decision should speak now" Rex voice boomed from behind me and they all kept quiet subtly looking at each others eyes and not saying a word.

I smirked and faced Mr. Hero purposely darting my gaze from him to the door. He huffed and walked out not before glaring at me one more time.

"Well that's certainly a good way to start a meeting" Rex said clearly amused.

The other men grumbled under their breath while i just picked up the folder in my front, glancing through it and the meeting commenced but my mind kept drifting to my mate.

It sometimes felt lime she's so goddamned close while sometimes so far away and it's frustrating the hell out of me.
Let me know your thoughts.

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