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Crystal's pov
I stared ahead watching as people conversed with themselves.

I've never had any friends so watching them move freely was really sweet, the mc was keeping the crowd lively, we were currently in the open field that was beautifully decorated with glow lights and the full moon added its natural light.

"Alright ladies and gentlewolves....with an applause lets welcome our very own beloved Alpha.....Alpha Lucian Knight" he announced and i stretched so i could see who our Alpha was, i've never seen him only heard about him from other peoples conversation.

My jaw dropped when i saw who climbed the podium my heart got crushed into million pieces, it's the same guy who caught me in the art room earlier.

' Why do i like attracting trouble' i complained in my head wishing for the earth to swallow me whole.

Looking at him clearly, he's attractive with jet black hair and a physique to die for in his well tailored suit which fits him like a second skin.

Wanting to escape this whole scene i stepped outside walking towards the garden which looked well groomed, the air here was fresh and calming, i sat on the grass basking under the moonlight, the stars were more prominent tonight which got me thinking about all the times i had laid outside in my mothers arm while she soothe me and tell me that am not useless, she would always caress my cheek and make me smile even though the whole day has been rough, cool breeze swept pass and i felt myself getting dizzy.

'i guess there's still time' i thought laying down to get some much needed rest.

I could hear heavy footsteps while partially asleep which caused me to wake up, i calmed a bit seeing it was the guy from earlier but stiffened when i remembered he was our Alpha and bowed my head avoiding he's gaze, i've heard sally warn her daughters countless time when we were younger that its rude to look into the eyes of the Alpha, because its considered as disrespectful.

"Look at me" his deep voice echoed in the dark, not wanting to disobey his orders i looked into his grey eyes.

"Why aren't you inside" he asked sitting on the grass while patting the space beside him, i slowly sat down being cautious now that i know who he is.

"I needed fresh air...what about you?" I asked trying to continue our conversation, I noticed him turn towards me probably surprised that I was speaking up.

"Same...i was getting tired of the fake smiles" his response shocked me and I am guessing it was obvious with his next comment.

"I know most people will think I am used to these kinds of things but truth be told i still hate them"

I watched him looking up to the sky wondering why he is talking to me, if sally or any of my stepsisters get to see this i'll most certainly be dead but for tonight i didn't want to care about what they would think at least just for today before reality kicks in.

"It's beautiful...isn't it?" I heard him ask breaking my train of thoughts.

"Huh" confusion prominent on my face, i met his gaze to see him staring at me before he nodded towards the clear night sky, i looked up agreeing to what he asked.

"yeah", i muttered looking at the twinkling stars.

Sitting here with him felt oddly comforting and safe something i haven't felt with anyone since i could remember not that i interact with people, my social skills were close to zero with the constant fear of 'what if they don't like me?', 'what if they see me as an outcast?', so to avoid involving myself with trouble i keep to myself most of the time, even avery and allen friends who sometimes come over for sleepovers, they were equally cruel and hated me for reasons best known to them.

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