Inazuma Chapter Climax - Rematch

434 19 3

Location: Inazuma, Plane of Euthymia
Health Status - Normal
Energy Shield - Temporarily down (Curse of Electro Elemental)
Mental Status - Trauma effect (Unable to use guns)

Kayden and Aether Meet Ei the real Raiden Shogun once again inside the Plane of Euthymia

Ei: Indulge my curiosity, what is the reason that I find you standing here before me once again? Do you hope your foolhardiness will shelter those people? Or... was it simply a means of seeking an audience with me?

Kayden place his hand on Murasama's Hilt.

Kayden: Tell her.

Aether: "The Fatui have Deceived the Raiden Shogun"

Ei: Oh? Surely you didn't rouse me from my state of eternal meditation only to tell me this? If so, then you underestimate me. i am quite well-informed about the Vision Hunt Decree?

Aether: "you know everything that's going on outside?"

Ei: Not so. Only everything that pertains to Eternity. The Vision Hunt Decree has my tactic approval. The Fatui's actions thus far do not constitute a threat to eternity, otherwise... they would have been purged long ago.

Aether: "But the Vision Hunt Decree is damaging"

Ei: Individual ambitions is inherently incompatible with eternity. what you might not realized is that all too often... people have far more to lose by chasing their dreams. Consider this - no one will lose their life on account of having their Vision taken away... Rather, those who have lost their lives are the ones who insisted on pursuing their own aspirations, are they not?

Kayden: I don't get your logic but somehow it pisses me off...

Ei: Travelers, your existence is unique in my eyes. There seems to be limitless uncertainty in you. To put it another way, both of you are the furthest thing from eternity. So I won't insist that you comprehend the meaning of my actions. What matters is that I tread the path of eternity on my people's behalf.

Aether: "This is your Plane of Euthymia. It is created by your consciousness, yes?"

Ei: That's right. I'm surprised you understand it so well... Anyway. You're looking for a chance to shake my will... aren't you?

Aether: "We're not here to debate your ideas. We're here to demolish them."

Kayden: Without knowing the facts about the real conflict of the Vision Hunt Decree that is happening the outside world, I still haven't forgotten their pain of losing a vision and driving them into insanity, and trusting a Fatui? I really hate you the most of all.

Kayden Draws The Murasama and pointed at Ei.

Ei: *sigh* So be it. Well then, you who would defy eternity... Time for you to enlighten me. Tools of Brains.

[Climax Mission]

Quest - Defeat the Electro Archon

Kayden sigh and turn his head towards Aether.

Kayden: Aether, let me fight her for one last time, if I don't then this pain in my heart wont go away from the rest of my life. for the sake of your best friend. pls..

Aether: "I'm counting on you"

Kayden: *smiles* Thank you.


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