Chapter 11 Goodbye Mondstadt

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Do you imagine finish this work at 2 am everyday? p_p


Time: 10:42 AM
Location: Mondstadt
Status: Normal

After The Incident between Kayden and La Signora. Barbara, Aether, and Jean went outside and saw Venti Passed out.

Barbara healed Venti using her elemental powers but no effective on him, Aether talked to Kayden about this incident getting attacked by one of the Fatui Harbingers No 8. Signora that Diluc Mention.

Paimon: I'm pretty Impressed you managed to fend off against one of the Fatui Harbinger by yourself.

Kayden: I Wouldn't say i managed to fend off against the Fatui Harbinger, they got bodyguards..

Aether: you don't have injuries?

Kayden: I'm All Okay.. As Long as I Have these..

Kayden soft knock twice on his arm with his other arm, a Visible Energy Shield appeared around his body.

Kayden: I'm really 100% Safe.

Paimon: Cool! I Wish Paimon Have that so called "Energy Shield"

Kayden: Nein.

After that, We Saw Venti already ran off making barbara confused about the bard.

Barbara: Mr. Bard! Wait!

Jean appeared behind Barbara Hold her shoulder.

Jean: Let him leave..

Barbara's eyes wide then close of her eyes and nodded, fully understands why Jean let the bard leave like that.

Paimon: Where is that Tone-Deaf Bard off to?

Barbara: The Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero, That's what he said. I Wanted to Stop him, But Jean- I mean, Master Jean said to let him leave. How Strange..

Paimon: Paimon remembers Venti healing under that tree before...

Kayden: Lets go Visit him Then.

Kayden Ran Off, Carefully look to his surroundings and Rocket jumping Straight to Windrise.

Paimon: oh cmon! Lets Follow Him Quickly, We Can't let him beat us to windrise.

Aether: Is this a racing?

Paimon: Yes and No. Only Depends of what you do.

(Time Skip)

Location: Windrise

Aether was almost out of breath by running on foot, Unlike Kayden that doesn't Run out of Stamina..

Aether: *Pant 3x* Don't you ever run off again.

Kayden: why not? ^_^

Aether: *sigh*

Paimon: He can be tired, you know that right?

Kayden: Tired? Never heard that before :v

Note - Aether and Kayden have Long hairs

Paimon: -_-

We Venti Standing on front of the giant tree, The Symbol Of Mondstadt's Hero.

Venti: The wind amongst the branches is good, I Love that way it smells..

Venti Turn around and looked at us with a smile.

Venti: haha. I Said the exact same thing the last time. *Sigh* why do I only say these things when I'm down on my luck?

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