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  No matter how insane Chen Xiumin was, she now understood what these people meant.

  She shook her head in disbelief and said desperately, "No, it was you who said that I would take practical actions. It was you who said that you would hold off the garrison for me."

  "It was you who encouraged me to do this. Why are you now saying  something like this?"

  "Aren't we all family members? Haven't we sworn an oath to help each other and support each other from now on?" "

  "You said it yourself, but now you blame all these mistakes on me? What do you mean?"

  Everyone started to talk back to Chen Xiumin,"Mr. Tang, Chief Tang, these are none of our business." "

 " It's all Chen Xiumin. She made her own decision."

  They put all the blame on Chen Xiumin, and some even spat at Chen Xiumin,

  "Bah, you vicious woman, it's all you! Who are you blaming at?"

  " Who doesn't know that I love children the most, and you are slandering me."

  "Mr. Tang, see for yourself, am I such a vicious person?"

  At this time, all the people who had supported Chen Xiumin in taking action , where is the slightest warmth for Chen Xiumin?

  They hated Chen Xiumin in their hearts and hated her to death.

  No one expected that Chen Xiumin would miss.

  Everyone thought that if Chen Xiumin dropped bombs on Gong Yi's wife and children, Chen Xiumin herself would definitely die in the bomb attack.

  As a result, the attack was not successful.

  Hua Mi actually didn't kill this woman, but instead let her live, and followed the lead and arrested all of them who usually complained about Hua Mi together.

  And at the same time, these survivors broke away from Chen Xiumin and complained loudly about Chen Xiumin.

  The garrison also captured many survivors and drove them over.

  Tang You looked coldly at the survivors who put all the blame on Chen Xiumin, "You have always been like this, always putting all the faults on one woman."

  "Why have you never  even think about it. Isn't yourselves who caused this to happen?"

  As he spoke, Tang You pointed at a small hole in the wall of Yunwu City and said to the survivors, "Go in this hole. Outside this hole is the outside of North of the Xiangcheng base, you can go see your families and reunite with your families."

  More and more survivors were driven over, not hundreds but thousands, and everyone was chirping.

  Seeing that it is impossible to put all the blame on Chen Xiumin alone.

  Someone yelled loudly,  "What do you mean by your Xiangcheng base? What did we do wrong? We just focused on complaining." "

 " Isn't it okay to complain?"

  In today's world, the development is becoming more and more worst. Now, there is far less freedom than before the end of the world.

  Before the end of the world, they can say whatever they want.

  As a result, after the end of the world, they just complained about Hua Mi sealing the Xiangcheng base and preventing outsiders from entering the Xiangcheng base. As a result, they were about to be kicked out of the Xiangcheng base. So the management of the Xiangcheng base just listened to a woman's words?

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