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  Zhou Cheng, who was behind them, was stunned.

  He didn't have time to pay attention to the curious little garrison behind him, tore up a teleportation ticket, and disappeared in an instant.

  He rushed forward and asked Gong Yi,
  "What's wrong? What's wrong? What are these?"

  He said they were zombies.

  Neither Gong Yi nor Hua Mi wanted to answer Zhou Cheng repeatedly.

  Hua Mi frowned and looked at the blood stains on the ground, and said to Gong Yi,

  "Leave the zombies to you. I'll clean up the blood stains on the ground."

  These zombies are all fresh, which can be seen from the color of their blood stains.

  The longer the zombies survive, the thicker and darker their blood will be.

  On the contrary, the closer the blood color is to humans, the shorter the time it takes for them to turn into zombies.

  Zhou Cheng watched helplessly as Hua Mi struggled to hold up her pregnant belly and squat down on her side.

  Her hand pressed down on a small snow patch on the ground.

  In the blink of an eye, the little snow bag disappeared.

  In the strong wind and heavy snow, a 1-meter-high snow bag disappeared.
Not only that, the snow under their feet seemed to have become thinner.

  Immediately afterwards, several slow-moving men appeared in the distance, no, zombies.

  They lie on the snow, their hands and feet still moving to climb out of the snow.

  These zombies accidentally fell into the soft snow while approaching the living garrison.

  If Hua Mi hadn't thinned a large layer of snow on the ground, they would have probably dug deeper and deeper into the snow, and finally fell into the snow.

  It won't die until spring comes, and it will be another disaster in the end.

  Zhou Cheng was stunned on the spot, suddenly realized, picked up the gun in his hand, and shot some zombies in the distance.

  They are zombies, not impregnable, nor are they known for their speed.

  If the bullet hits their flesh, they won't feel any pain, but they won't die either.

  He only paused for a moment, then continued to crawl in the direction of Gong Yi, Hua Mi and Zhou Cheng.

  Zhou Cheng opened his mouth wide, and even Gong Yi frowned slightly.

  This was the first time for both of them to deal with zombies in a real sense, and they had little experience.

  So Hua Mi gave on-site teaching to the two garrison commanders, "To thoroughly disable these monsters, we must reduce them to pieces or directly blow their heads. Otherwise, it will be of no use."

  "They are full of poison. If you are infected by the poison on their bodies, you will either become zombies or people with superpowers. I don't know, the chance of becoming zombies is greater."

  She said a few simple words, and Gong Yi and Zhou Cheng could only let Gong Yi and Zhou Cheng experience the rest.

  After a while, Gong Yi frowned and asked Hua Mi, "It's useless to kill them. They are dead and there is no way to dispose of the corpses. The corpses left behind will pollute the environment. If others come into contact with them, they are also in danger?"

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