Reach a consensus,jpg

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Marshal has been in a good mood lately.

This is the consensus of those who stay on the flagship and have close contact with Ji Xiuhuan.

Although on the surface, it still looks cold and indifferent, but when facing the front, the oncoming feeling of oppression is reduced a lot.

The metaphor of a little bit of image is that the momentum is so fierce that people don't dare to say a few words in the back of the ground, and it becomes a level that people can summon courage to say hello.

--It doesn't seem to be a good place to go, but for many years of unsmiling laughs, Marshal Ji who has never photographed him with a smile on his face is already a very big improvement.

Marshal Ji's happy mood is almost visible to the naked eye.

The reason for this good mood is unknown, but combined with the time when Marshal Ji is feeling better, many people speculate that it may be because of the very clean and crisp action of the previous defeat of the Free Army vanguard.

After all, they were able to get close contact with Marshal Ji. Most of them were officers who had already climbed to or were close to the general level, and they were still very sensitive to the battle situation.

For five hours, although the opponent was almost beaten by them, it was enough to make it clear who the tactic belongs to.

It was the mysterious staff of the Free Army who had never shown up or had a name.

The style is very obvious.

You should know that this new type of tactics is still a serious military research topic, and a bunch of interstellar military experts haven't figured out the results yet.

Although they have not been able to study anything, they have almost immediately identified who the encounter was for this unique style of tactics.

In fact, with the exception of a few truly informed legions, everyone was surprised that this time they could fight the vanguard of the Free Army.

They have enough confidence in their own legion and their marshal, yes, but the entire interstellar is pondering the issues that have not yet been overcome. It is quite surprising and delighted that they were broken by their own legion without warning. Things.

After the battle situation of that encounter was reported out, a wave of winds broke out across the interstellar.

They all knew with their toes, that after this peace and chaos ended, Marshal Ji and the commander of the army that commanded this encounter will certainly receive invitations to countless interstellar military meetings.

Although their marshals will certainly not go, but this is also a symbol of honor and the strength of the Legion and its talents.

Marshal Ji would find this kind of military meeting troublesome, but he would definitely not feel too much honor on him.

So everyone thinks that Marshal Ji is in a good mood for this reason, which makes sense.

But the First Corps commander didn't think so.

Because he witnessed the truth that Marshal Ji was in a good mood.

After the first army commander found out that their marshal opened the door, it was as if the reservoir had opened the floodgate and fell in love.

Especially on the issue of calling on Yuean when everything is okay, it simply doesn't stop when you start.

It is estimated that Yuean, a young man who made evil, has never seen this battle, and turned away without talking for two sentences each time. In these two days, he began to walk around Marshal Ji.

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