Yeah, it's not that ugly either.

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Vietnam checked the history of the Free Army.

I have to say that even though the eighteenth galaxy is chaotic and exclusive, the people in the military have done very well for its internal intelligence work.

Yue'an looked around a lot, but he couldn't see anything famous from these war resumes.

It can only be seen that in general, the Free Army's battles, such as the large-scale battles to expand the territory under the banner of liberation, win more and lose less.

However, some small informal clashes, such as running to the 17th galaxy to fight the autumn wind, are often the rage that is carried back to their hometown.

Yue'an did not know how the free army infiltrated the heavily guarded g11 capital, because according to the records of various monitoring and detection equipment given by the local garrison, these machines did not record any traces at all.

I didn't find anything unusual, An An put his cheeks together, two long legs crossed up and sat on the chair, thought about it, found out the cat-shaped light brain, and searched with Ji Xiu's permission.

Sure enough, Ji Xiu's authority is much stronger.

The detailed information that Yuean saw under the appendix of the record includes text, pictures, analysis, reports of relevant news from various parties, and even one or two intermittent video records.

Yue'an looked at the analysis of the battle, and found that in those battles that were overwhelming, they were all guessed by the same person who directed the battle.

Most of the staff or generals who can take on the task of commanding battles have their own style.

For example, Ji Xiuxiu always frankly crushes the past, and Marshal Kevin is more inclined to make a round, so he can save effort.

And it is possible for many war analysts to consolidate that the commanders behind those battles are the same person, because the scheduling style shown in these overwhelming battles is very clear and straightforward, from the same person.

The Free Army recruited an incredible staff.

The style of this staff can be summed up in one word-strange.

In the battle records and analysis of the victory, people found that this staff member, whose name and identity had not been announced to the public, was always able to dispatch a few surprise soldiers to interrupt the situation when the battle was most critical.

I especially like to quietly touch the rear of the opponent when the front line is playing fiercely, cut the supply line to grab logistic resources, and even directly end the opponent's headquarters.

It's easy to say, but it's really difficult to operate.

The route of the supply line is absolutely confidential, but every time this staff member can accurately deploy the army to ambush on the channel that is absolutely confidential to the other party, and win when he is not prepared.

Viet An opened the few intermittent videos.

He didn't know much about the concept of fighters that required learning and a lot of experience, but he was able to discern the rough arrangements in the intermittent pictures.

Have a certain ability to predict.

There will be some rough and weak arrays.

It can only bully these ordinary humans who know nothing about the power of the mysterious side.

Yue'an repeatedly looked at the weak formations several times, and immediately relaxed his mind.

With such a little ability, it was really difficult to catch him.

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